All Stories

  1. Approximation of Cluster Integrals for Various Lattice-Gas Models
  2. Evidence for a first-order phase transition at the divergence region of activity expansions
  3. Equation of state for all regimes of a fluid: From gas to liquid
  4. Asymptotics of activity series at the divergence point
  5. Divergence of activity expansions: Is it actually a problem?
  6. Lattice Gas Condensation and its Relation to the Divergence of Virial Expansions in the Powers of Activity
  7. Statistical theory of condensation — Advances and challenges
  8. Virial and high-density expansions for the Lee-Yang lattice gas
  9. Virial'ni koefitsiyenty potentsialu Morze
  10. High-density equation of state for a lattice gas
  11. Communication: Low-temperature approximation of the virial series for the Lennard-Jones and modified Lennard-Jones models
  12. Модифікація методу вибірки Майера для розрахунку віріальних коефіцієнтів вищих порядків
  13. Modified Lennard-Jones model: Virial coefficients to the 7th order
  14. Віріальні коефіцієнти для модифікованого потенціалу Ленард-Джонса
  15. Adequacy of the virial equation of state and cluster expansion
  16. Condensation of the Lennard-Jones fluid on the basis of the Gibbs single-phase approach
  17. Equation of State Beyond the Radius of Convergence of the Virial Expansion