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  1. Long-term effects of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by sphincter-preserving resection on anal sphincter function in relation to quality of life among locally advanced rectal cancer patients: a cross-sectional analysis
  2. Survival in gastric cancer in relation to postoperative adjuvant therapy and determinants
  3. The association of apoptotic protein expressions sensitive to apoptosis gene, p73 and p53 with the prognosis of cervical carcinoma
  4. Expression of TRF2 and its prognostic relevance in advanced stage cervical cancer patients
  5. Prognostic role of sensitive-to-apoptosis gene expression in rectal cancer
  6. Meme Koruyucu Cerrahi Sonrası Konvansiyonel Radyoterapi ile Konformal Radyoterapi Tekniğinin Doz Dağılımı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi