All Stories

  1. Assessing what people report feeling during exercise with different surveys
  2. Variability of coefficient alpha: An empirical investigation of the scales of psychological wellbeing.
  3. Understanding Barriers for Communicating Injury Prevention Messages and Strategies Moving Forward: Perspectives from Community Stakeholders
  4. Pride and physical activity: Behavioural regulations as a motivational mechanism?
  5. Self-compassion and Eudaimonic Well-Being During Emotionally Difficult Times in Sport
  6. Exploring Self-Compassion and Eudaimonic Well-Being in Young Women Athletes
  7. Development and validation of the Body and Appearance Self-Conscious Emotions Scale (BASES)
  8. Body and Appearance Self-Conscious Emotions Scale
  9. Body-related state shame and guilt in women: Do causal attributions mediate the influence of physical self-concept and shame and guilt proneness
  10. Goal contents, motivation, psychological need satisfaction, well-being and physical activity: A test of self-determination theory over 6 months
  11. A Review of Validity Evidence Presented in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (2002–2012): Misconceptions and Recommendations for Validation Research
  12. Validity Theory and Validity Evidence for Scores Derived from the Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire
  13. Physical Activity and Psychological Health in Breast Cancer Survivors: An Application of Basic Psychological Needs Theory
  14. Psychological need satisfaction and thwarting: A test of Basic Psychological Needs Theory in physical activity contexts
  15. Body-related pride in young adults: An exploration of the triggers, contexts, outcomes and attributions
  16. Understanding physical activity behavior and cognitions in pregnant women: An application of self-determination theory
  17. Psychological Need Thwarting Scale--Modified
  18. Health-enhancing physical activity, psychological needs satisfaction, and well-being: Is it how often, how long, or how much effort that matters?
  19. On the nature and function of scoring protocols used in exercise motivation research: An empirical study of the behavioral regulation in exercise questionnaire
  20. Women's Health-Enhancing Physical Activity and Eudaimonic Well Being
  21. Women's Health-Enhancing Physical Activity and Eudaimonic Well Being
  22. Assessing Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Contexts: Issues of Score Invariance, Item Modification, and Context
  23. Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Perceived Health in People Living with Osteoporosis
  24. Health-Enhancing Physical Activity: Associations with Markers of Well-Being
  25. Gender Differences in Osteoporosis Health Beliefs and Knowledge and Their Relation to Vigorous Physical Activity in University Students
  26. Psychological Needs as Mediators? The Relationship Between Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Well Being in People Diagnosed With Osteoporosis
  27. Well-being in volleyball players: Examining the contributions of independent and balanced psychological need satisfaction
  28. Leisure-Time Physical Activity in Canadians Living With Crohn Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
  29. Associations of oral contraceptive use and dietary restraint with bone speed of sound and bone turnover in university-aged women
  30. Men's and women's drive for muscularity: Gender differences and cognitive and behavioral correlates
  31. Understanding motivation for exercise: A self-determination theory perspective.
  32. Does Friendship Matter? An Examination of Social Physique Anxiety in Adolescence
  33. Self-presentational motives in eating disordered behavior: A known groups difference approach
  34. Coping with Social Physique Anxiety in Adolescence
  35. Examining Self-Presentational Exercise Motives and Social Physique Anxiety in Men and Women
  36. The Relation of Self-Efficacy Measures to Sport Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review
  37. Self-Awareness Theory
  38. Self-Categorization Theory