All Stories

  1. Strength of forelimb lateralization predicts motor errors in an insect
  2. Differential scaling within an insect compound eye
  3. Neural Energetics: Hungry Flies Turn Down the Visual Gain
  4. Consequences of Converting Graded to Action Potentials upon Neural Information Coding and Energy Efficiency
  5. Phenotypic Transformation Affects Associative Learning in the Desert Locust
  6. Balanced Excitatory and Inhibitory Synaptic Currents Promote Efficient Coding and Metabolic Efficiency
  7. The Effect of Cell Size and Channel Density on Neuronal Information Encoding and Energy Efficiency
  8. Invertebrate Neurobiology: Short-Term Memories for Limb Targeting
  9. Visually targeted reaching in horse-head grasshoppers
  10. Miniaturization of Nervous Systems and Neurons
  11. Why Do Axons Differ in Caliber?
  12. The allometry of CNS size and consequences of miniaturization in orb-weaving and cleptoparasitic spiders
  13. Invertebrate Neurobiology: Visual Direction of Arm Movements in an Octopus
  14. Reuse of identified neurons in multiple neural circuits
  15. Action Potential Energy Efficiency Varies Among Neuron Types in Vertebrates and Invertebrates
  16. Neurobiology Evolutionary Neuroscience . EditorinChief : Jon H.Kaas; CoEditors : Georg F.Striedter, John L. R.Rubenstein, Theodore H.Bullock, LeahKrubitzer, and ToddPreuss. Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Boston (Massachusetts): Elsevier (Academic Pre...
  17. Visuomotor Control: Drosophila Bridges the Gap
  18. Visual Targeting of Forelimbs in Ladder-Walking Locusts
  19. Are Bigger Brains Better?
  20. The rapid mandible strike of a termite soldier
  21. Evolution: Convergent Eye Losses in Fishy Circumstances
  22. Diversity and Evolution of the Insect Ventral Nerve Cord
  23. Fly Photoreceptors Demonstrate Energy-Information Trade-Offs in Neural Coding
  24. Brains, islands and evolution: breaking all the rules
  25. Invertebrate Memory: Wide-Eyed Ants Retrieve Visual Snapshots
  26. Visual Motion: Homing in on Small Target Detectors
  27. A Simple Method to Simultaneously Track the Numbers of Expressed Channel Proteins in a Neuron
  28. Brain Evolution: Getting Better All the Time?
  29. Do insect metabolic rates at rest and during flight scale with body mass?
  30. Channelling Evolution
  31. Shaker K+-channels are predicted to reduce the metabolic cost of neural information in Drosophila photoreceptors
  32. The contribution of Shaker K+ channels to the information capacity of Drosophila photoreceptors