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  1. Antioxidant properties, ACE/renin inhibitory activities of pigeon pea hydrolysates and effects on systolic blood pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats
  2. Development of value-added nutritious crackers with high antidiabetic properties from blends of Acha (Digitaria exilis ) and blanched Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan )
  3. Quality characteristics and overall acceptability of steamed and boiled blue whiting fish (Micromesistius poutassou) cracker
  4. Antioxidant properties and consumer acceptability of pearl millet – tiger nut biscuits
  5. Sensory and nutritive profiles of biscuits from whole grain sorghum and pearl millet plus soya flour with and without sourdough fermentation
  6. Optimization and prediction of antioxidant properties of a tea‐ginger extract