All Stories

  1. Can We Stay Home Long Enough to Confront and Dismantle the Truth — That All Humans Are Equal, but Some Are More Equal Than Others
  2. From a Cohesive Self to a Relational Being: The Evolution of the Psychology of the Self to the Psychology of Being Human
  3. When the echoes of red and blue turn to green: Disentangling alienated alter-ego self experiences through a collaborative and complex relational, and conversational dance
  4. Kohut's Twinship Across Cultures
  5. Feeling at Home, Belonging, and Being Human: Kohut, Self Psychology, Twinship, and Alienation
  6. (White) Voices: Discussion of Articles by Gillian Straker and Tessa Philips
  7. The Many Faces of Twinship: From the Psychology of the Self to the Psychology of Being Human
  8. Rites of Passage: Identity and the Training of Clinical Psychologists in the Current South African Context
  9. Societal Transformation: Gender, Feminism and Psychology in South Africa
  10. Discourses, Videos and Talk about Sexual Violence: A Multi-Disciplinary Enterprise
  11. Damaged, Deficient or Determined? Deconstructing Narratives in Family Therapy
  12. IV. Voices in the Winds of Change
  13. Talking about Wolf-Whistles: Negotiating Gender Positions in Conversation
  14. Conversation Analysis: What is it, Can Psychologists use it?
  15. Through a Lens, Darkly