All Stories

  1. Boosting innovativeness in organic farming: the role of external relational capital
  2. Open eco-innovation. Aligning cooperation and external knowledge with the levels of eco-innovation radicalness
  3. Sustainability orientation and firm growth as ventures mature
  4. Opening the Black Box of Knowledge Management in International PSFs: Knowledge Types and Processes
  5. The hows and whys of foreign operation mode combinations: The role of knowledge processes
  6. Does country environment matter in the relationship between intellectual capital and innovation performance?
  7. Managing international professional service firms: a review and future research agenda
  8. Open eco-innovation: A bibliometric review of emerging research
  9. Promoting digitally enabled growth in SMEs: a framework proposal
  10. Knowledge-based human resource management practices, intellectual capital and innovation
  11. How much does firm-specific intellectual capital vary? Cross-industry and cross-national comparison
  12. How much does firm-specific intellectual capital vary? Cross-industry and cross-national comparison
  13. Authentic Leadership Perception, Trust in the Leader, and Followers’ Emotions in Organizational Change Processes
  14. Structural capital, innovation capability, and company performance in technology-based colombian firms
  15. Knowledge sharing and innovation in Spanish and Colombian high‐tech firms
  16. Organizational Learning As a By-product of Justifications for Change
  17. Structural capital, innovation capability, and size effect: An empirical study
  18. Structural capital, innovation capability, and size effect: An empirical study
  19. Organizational Conditions as Catalysts for Successful People-Focused Knowledge Sharing Initiatives
  20. Knowledge sharing and innovation performance
  21. Innovation focus and middle‐up‐down management model
  22. Promoting people‐focused knowledge management: the case of IDOM
  23. Organizational learning, change process, and evolution of management systems
  24. Fostering innovation and knowledge creation: the role of management context
  25. Towards a New Approach for Measuring Innovation
  26. Organizational Conditions as Catalysts for Successful People-Focused Knowledge Sharing Initiatives
  27. People-Focused Knowledge Sharing Initiatives in Medium-High and High Technology Companies
  28. Exploring the Links between Structural Capital, Knowledge Sharing, Innovation Capability and Business Competitiveness
  29. People-Focused Knowledge Sharing Initiatives in Medium-High and High Technology Companies