All Stories

  1. Evaluation of effectiveness of syndicate learning in oral medicine and radiology: Cardinal findings in a batch of final-year students
  2. Perception of dental students regarding digital problem- based learning in Oral Medicine
  3. Adult-onset unilateral disabling pansclerotic morphea
  4. Scenario of Pediatric Dermatoses in Rural Population of Central India
  5. Hallermann-Streiff syndrome with cutaneous manifestations
  6. Dowling-Degos disease and hidradenitis suppurativa: Co occurrence or association?
  7. Prevalence of oral mucosal disorders in institutionalized and non-institutionalized psychiatric patients: a study from AVBR Hospital in central India
  8. Hirsutism with virilization in a postmenopausal woman due to a rare ovarian steroid cell tumor
  9. Pigmented cerebriform growth over forehead
  10. Bamboo hair in netherton′s syndrome
  11. Current scenario of leprosy at tertiary care level hospital of rural central india
  12. Dermatitis artefacta: Keloids and foreign body granuloma due to overvalued ideation of acupuncture
  13. Augmented effect of five percent imiquimod cream and antiretroviral therapy in resolution of giant molluscum contagiosum