All Stories

  1. Influence of Parathyroidectomy on Bone Metabolism and Bone Pain in Patients with Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
  2. The benefit of benzodiazepine reduction: Improving sedation in surgical intensive care
  3. Implementation and effects of pulse-contour- automated SVV/CI guided goal directed fluid therapy algorithm for the routine management of pancreatic surgery patients
  4. Does Full Wound Rupture following Median Pilonidal Closure Alter Long-Term Recurrence Rate?
  5. Genderspezifische Aspekte des Lynch-Syndroms – Ein Update
  6. Long-term outcome of sporadic and FAP-associated desmoid tumors treated with high-dose selective estrogen receptor modulators and sulindac: a single-center long-term observational study in 134 patients
  7. Immunohistochemical Expression of E-Cadherin in Atypical Parathyroid Adenoma
  8. Hereditäres nichtpolypöses kolorektales Karzinom und Lynch-Syndrom
  9. Prophylactic surgery in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)—a single surgeon’s short- and long-term experience with hand-assisted proctocolectomy and smaller J-pouches
  10. Lynch-Syndrom, HNPCC und hereditäre Polyposis-Syndrome
  11. Clinical Diagnosis and Therapy of Colorectal Cancer
  12. Kolorektales Karzinom bei V. a. Lynch-Syndrom: ein interdisziplinärer Algorithmus
  13. Role of surgery in the treatment of renal secondary hyperparathyroidism
  14. Kann mit einem Online-Risikotest die Risikopopulation für familiären und erblichen Darmkrebs erreicht und ihr Vorsorgeverhalten positiv beeinflusst werden?
  15. Initial Surgery for Benign Primary Hyperparathyroidism: An Analysis of 1,300 Patients in a Teaching Hospital
  16. Gender-Specific Aspects of Lynch Syndrome and Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
  17. The Influence of Parathyroidectomy on Restless Legs Syndrome in Patients with Renal Hyperparathyroidism
  18. Untersuchung der Mikrosatelliteninstabilität beim kolorektalen Karzinom
  19. Relevance of Bilateral Cervical Thymectomy in Patients with Renal Hyperparathyroidism: Analysis of 161 Patients Undergoing Reoperative Parathyroidectomy
  20. Geschlechtsspezifische Vorsorge bei erblichem Darmkrebs – Das Lynch-Syndrom
  21. Das Lynch-Syndrom
  22. Cryopreservation of Parathyroid Tissue after Parathyroid Surgery for Renal Hyperparathyroidism: Does it Really Make Sense?
  23. Development of a Formula to Predict Parathyroid Carcinoma in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism
  24. Call-associated Acute Fatigue in Surgical Residents—Subjective Perception or Objective Fact? A Cross-sectional Observational Study to Examine the Influence of Fatigue on Surgical Performance
  25. OP-Techniken: Thyreoidektomie - Dem Kropf an den Kragen
  26. Lynch syndrome: clinical, pathological, and genetic insights
  27. The calcitonin levels can sometimes mislead parathyroid surgeons in patients with chronic kidney disease and renal hyperparathyroidism: report of a case
  28. Das Lynch-Syndrom – Epidemiologie, Klinik, Genetik, Screening, Therapie
  29. Lynch Syndrome how can we improve the Clinical Awareness?
  30. Initial Parathyroid Surgery in 606 Patients with Renal Hyperparathyroidism
  31. Frequency of Ectopic and Supernumerary Intrathymic Parathyroid Glands in Patients with Renal Hyperparathyroidism: Analysis of 461 Patients Undergoing Initial Parathyroidectomy with Bilateral Cervical Thymectomy
  32. Calcitonin-Secreting Pancreatic Endocrine Tumors
  33. Detection of Precursor Lesions of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma in PET-CT in a Genetically Engineered Mouse Model of Pancreatic Cancer
  34. German national case collection for familial pancreatic cancer (FaPaCa): ten years experience
  35. Open or Laparoscopic Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer what is the Optimal Approach?
  36. „Familiärer Darmkrebs” in Deutschland
  37. An economic comparison of surgical and medical therapy in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism—the German perspective
  38. Differentiation between Thyroidal and Ectopic Calcitonin Secretion in patients with Coincidental Thyroid Nodules and Pancreatic Tumors – A Report of Two Cases