All Stories

  1. Advertising in Communications: Home Is Where the Scholars Live
  2. Opinion Leaders: Are They Really Important as Innovation Buyers?
  3. The pragmatic importance of theory for marketing practice
  4. Parting Perspectives from an Aging Editor (& thanks for all the fish)
  5. Researchers, Scholars and Ivan
  6. The Public as the Problem for Public Health
  7. Confusions, Contexts, and Foundations for Understanding Advertising Regulation as Related to the Research of Jean J. Boddewyn
  8. Editors Talking
  9. A Pessimist's Simplistic Historical Perspective on the Fourth Wave of Consumer Protection
  10. Adventures in Misplaced Mentoring
  11. The Advertising Regulation and Self-Regulation Issues Ripped From the Headlines With (Sometimes Missed) Opportunities for Disciplined Multidisciplinary Research
  12. Erratum
  13. Privacy Crimes, Annoyances and Self-Defeating Business Practices
  14. The marketing myths and consumers' fear of marketing
  15. Function and problems of brand name pharmaceuticals
  16. Health Information Consumers Can't or Don't Want to Use
  17. Disciplined Conduct of Interdisciplinary Research
  18. The marketing myths and consumers' fear of marketing
  19. The largest segments that should not be served: higher education marketing serving the growing slacker segment
  20. Can You Really Say That?
  21. Imitation as the sincerest form of ignorance
  22. Financial Aliteracy
  23. The Stealth Influence of Covert Marketing and Much Ado About What May Be Nothing
  24. Brand image of company names matters in ways that can't be ignored
  25. How Do You Know That?
  26. Mistaking a marketing perspective for ethical analysis: when consumers can't know that they should want
  27. Mistaking demographic segments for people: another source of customer abuse
  28. Theory, Data, Interpretations, and More Theory
  29. Is there a strategy behind buying advertising time and space?
  30. Mistaking Precision for Reality
  31. Toward a Pragmatic Understanding of the Advertising and Public Policy Literature
  32. Movie theaters' suicide‐by‐advertising with income from abusing customers
  33. Depending on the Kindness of Strangers
  34. Understanding advertising clutter and the real solution to declining audience attention to mass media commercial messages
  35. It's Just Business
  36. For the drugs we need
  37. Impact, Influence, and Fame
  38. And a comedian shall show journalists the way
  39. Aliterates’ scholarship
  40. The cynical use of marketing to the unwitting consumer
  41. A snapshot or a painting? Metaphors, myths, misuses and misunderstandings of marketing research information by journalists and other people who should know better
  42. Consumers, People, and Kim
  44. The Consumer as Serf
  45. Do‐not‐call as the US Government's improvement to telemarketing efficiency
  46. Endowed faculty chairs are a waste of money (except mine)
  47. Desires Versus the Reality of Self-Regulation
  48. Misplaced marketing: Mismanagement of misfocused trade association leaders
  49. Convenient Abusive Research
  50. Misplaced marketing Gardening, pizza, tacos, truck parts and fake jewelry: misuse and misdirection of sex in advertising
  51. Misplaced marketing: Who do you hire when the advertising audience isn’t you?
  52. Misplaced marketing “It hurts. Fix It.” The patients’ lament and unhealthy medical care marketing
  53. Information You Can't Use
  54. Misplaced marketing The social harm of public service advertising
  55. Misplaced marketing “Mine is the blue one on the left”: function and dysfunction of pharmaceutical brand names
  56. Misplaced marketing The real reason for the real bad advertising
  57. Slapping Down Dangerous Information
  58. Misplaced marketing Training book for the new store clerk: “Go and be charming!”
  59. Misplaced marketing Imagine the television commercial: “No stems, no seeds that you don’t need, Baja Gold’s a real smooth weed”
  60. Misplaced marketing Meanwhile, at the service desk: “Hello!Is anyone here?”
  61. Misplaced marketing “Dumbth” adventures in retailing
  62. Misplaced marketing
  63. There are Threats and (Maybe) Fear-Caused Arousal: Theory and Confusions of Appeals to Fear and Fear Arousal Itself
  64. Combinations of Creative Elements in Radio Advertising
  65. Radio station standards for acceptable advertising
  66. Television Station Standards for Acceptable Advertising
  67. Self-Regulation and Television Advertising
  68. Self-Regulation and Magazine Advertising
  70. How Researchers Respond to Replication Requests
  71. The Compatibility of Advertising Regulation and the First Amendment: Another View
  72. Is Advertising Puffery Believed?
  73. Potential Secondary Effects of Regulating Children's Television Advertising
  74. Advertiser Supplied Message Research: Extending the Advertising Substantiation Program
  75. Toward an Associative Model of Advertising Creativity
  76. Advertising and Product Quality: Are Heavily Advertised Products Better?