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  1. Reshaping of tensegrities using a geometrical variation approach
  2. Automated element grouping and self-stress identification of tensegrities
  3. Nonlinear force density method for the form-finding of minimal surface membrane structures
  4. A computational framework for the form-finding and design of tensegrity structures
  5. A new approach to the analytical and numerical form-finding of tensegrity structures
  6. A hybrid method for efficient solution of geometrically nonlinear structures
  7. Form-finding of tensegrity structures via genetic algorithm
  8. Exploitation of symmetry in graphs with applications to finite and boundary elements analysis
  9. An orthogonal self-stress matrix for efficient analysis of cyclically symmetric space truss structures via force method
  10. Efficient buckling and free vibration analysis of cyclically repeated space truss structures
  11. On the decomposition of generalized eigenproblems for the free vibration analysis of cyclically symmetric finite element models
  12. Efficient graph-theoretical force method for two-dimensional rectangular finite element analysis
  13. Combinatorial optimization of special graphs for nodal ordering and graph partitioning
  14. Graph products for configuration processing of space structures
  15. Efficient finite element analysis by graph-theoretical force method; triangular and rectangular plate bending elements
  16. An efficient graph theoretical method for plate bending finite element analysis via force method
  17. An efficient graph-theoretical force method for three-dimensional finite element analysis
  18. Efficient finite element analysis by graph-theoretical force method
  19. An Adaptive Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm for Size and Shape Optimization of Truss Structures