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  1. How can firms get business benefits using AI and mobile robotics for Intelligent Automation?
  2. What organizational career management practices do IT professionals prefer?
  3. Understanding IT culture can explain IT project implementation outcomes
  4. Increasing the chance of IT project success by understanding changing cultural values
  5. When planned IS/IT project benefits are not realized: a study of inhibitors and facilitators to benefits realization
  6. Components of a boundaryless career
  7. Reassessing the protean career concept: Empirical findings, conceptual components, and measurement
  8. Retention, turnover and return - a longitudinal study of allied health professionals in Britain
  9. Allied health professionals' intention to work for the National Health Service: a study of stayers, leavers and returners
  10. Why do speech and language therapists stay in, leave and (sometimes) return to the National Health Service (NHS)?
  11. Improving retention strategies for IT professionals working in the public sector
  12. Improving the recruitment and return of nurses and allied health professionals: a quantitative study
  13. How well can the theory of planned behavior account for occupational intentions?
  14. A re-conceptualization of the interpretive flexibility of information technologies: redressing the balance between the social and the technical
  15. Attractiveness of Physiotherapy in the National Health Service as a Career Choice
  16. Perceptions of radiography and the National Health Service: a qualitative study