All Stories

  1. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of the Potential Local Economic Impact of Tourism and Leisure Cycling and The Development of an Evidence-Based Market Segmentation
  2. The Relationship Between Cycle Tourism and Sustainable Transport in the UK
  3. Is tourism a legitimate legacy from the Olympic and Paralympic Games? An analysis of London 2012 legacy strategy using programme theory
  4. After 20 years, what are the Big Questions for sports tourism research?
  5. Golf tourism and the trip decision-making process: the influence of lifestage, negotiation and compromise, and the existence of tiered decision-making units
  6. Researching experiences of sport and tourism
  7. Understanding demand for sport and tourism
  8. The Olympic and Paralympic shock
  9. An exogenous shock to the system? The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and British tourism policy
  10. Sport, tourism and identities
  11. Methodology and Method in Sport & Tourism
  12. The Human Impact of Major Sport Events
  13. Stakeholder Perceptions in Sport & Tourism
  14. A quality debate on grounded theory in sport and exercise psychology? A commentary on potential areas for future debate
  15. Sport, Tourism and Image
  16. Sport Fans and Travel – Is ‘Being There’ always Important?
  17. Sport, Tourism and Cultures
  18. Sport, Tourism and Lifestyles
  19. The structure of (social) scientific contradictions: a commentary on the problem of paradigmatic behaviour by social scientists
  20. Progress in sports tourism research? A meta-review and exploration of futures
  21. Research quality in sport & exercise psychology: Introduction to the collection
  22. The Wider Relevance of Sports Tourism Research
  23. Global Trends and Sports Tourism
  24. Sports Tourism Consumption and Production
  25. Special Issues of the Journal of Sport & Tourism
  26. Political Influences on the Use of Research Evidence in Sport & Tourism
  27. Sports Tourism Experiences
  28. A Potential Method for the Interpretive Synthesis of Qualitative Research: Issues in the Development of ‘Meta-Interpretation’
  29. Exploring the sport spectator experience: virtual football spectatorship in the pub1
  30. The Potential of Narrative Research in Sports Tourism
  31. Stakeholder Relationships in Sport and Tourism
  32. Tensions and Paradoxes in Sports Tourism Research
  33. The Pub as a Virtual Football Fandom Venue: An Alternative to ‘Being there’?
  34. Editorial: Event Sports Tourism
  35. Research Quality in Sport & Exercise Psychology
  36. The Influence of Policy Makers' Perceptions on Sport–Tourism Policy Development
  37. Editorial: Understanding Sports Tourism Participation: Complexities and Diversity
  38. Epilogue: The Relationship between Sport Research, Tourism Research and Sports Tourism Research, and the role of the Journal of Sport & Tourism
  39. Interpretive qualitative synthesis in the sport & exercise sciences: The meta-interpretation approach
  40. Undiscovered Public Knowledge: The Potential of Research Synthesis Approaches in Tourism Research
  41. Editorial: Presenting and Representing Research in Sport & Tourism
  42. Editorial: Introducing the Journal of Sport & Tourism
  43. Sports Tourism Research 2000–2004: A Systematic Review of Knowledge and a Meta-Evaluation of Methods
  44. Fighting for survival? The financial management of football clubs outside the ‘top flight’ in England
  45. The Story of an Ethnography: The Experience of Watching the 2002 World Cup in the Pub
  46. Sports Tourism Theory and Method—Concepts, Issues and Epistemologies
  47. A Grounded Theory of the Policy Process for Sport and Tourism
  48. Research Synthesis in Sport Management: Dealing with “Chaos in the Brickyard”
  49. Emotion, identity and sports spectator cultures
  50. Towards a model of cross-sectoral policy development in leisure: the case of sport and tourism
  51. Towards a model of cross-sectoral policy development in leisure: the case of sport and tourism
  52. Niche markets and small island tourism: the development of sports tourism in Malta
  53. Influences on Sport-Tourism Relations in Britain:the Effects of Government Policy
  54. Towards an interdisciplinary events research agenda across sport, tourism, leisure and health
  55. The Relationship Between Sport and Tourism
  56. London 2012 Legacy Strategy
  57. London 2012 Legacy Strategy