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  1. Physiological specialization of the brain in bumble bee castes: Roles of dopamine in mating-related behaviors in female bumble bees
  2. Transcriptomic comparison between populations selected for higher and lower mobility in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum
  3. Caste-specific storage of dopamine-related substances in the brains of four Polistes paper wasp species
  4. Behavioral roles of biogenic amines in bumble bee males
  5. Responses to artificial selection for locomotor activity: A focus on death feigning in red flour beetle
  6. Sex-Specific Regulatory Systems for Dopamine Production in the Honey Bee
  7. Genomic characterization between strains selected for death-feigning duration for avoiding attack of a beetle
  8. Ultrasensitive detection by maxillary palp neurons allows non-host recognition without consumption of harmful allelochemicals
  9. Regulation of dopamine production in the brains during sexual maturation in male honey bees
  10. Social Evolution With Decoupling of Multiple Roles of Biogenic Amines Into Different Phenotypes in Hymenoptera
  11. Identification of biogenic amines involved in photoperiod-dependent caste-fate determination during the adult stage in a temperate paper wasp
  12. Bumble bee queens activate dopamine production and gene expression in nutritional signaling pathways in the brain
  13. Dopamine production in the brain is associated with caste-specific morphology and behavior in an artificial intermediate honey bee caste
  14. Caste differentiation of spermatheca and organs related to sperm use and oviposition in the honeybee, Apis mellifera
  15. Diet choice: The two-factor host acceptance system of silkworm larvae
  16. Timing of male territorial flight and foraging of the large carpenter bee Xylocopa appendiculata related to serotonin in the brain
  17. Reproductive workers insufficiently signal their reproductive ability in a paper wasp
  18. Transcriptomic comparison between beetle strains selected for short and long durations of death feigning
  19. Suppression of Flight Activity by a Dopamine Receptor Antagonist in Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Virgin Queens and Workers
  20. Functional gene expression of dopamine receptors in the male reproductive organ during sexual maturation in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.)
  21. Caste-specific development of the dopaminergic system during metamorphosis in female honey bees
  22. Uptake of plant-derived specific alkaloids allows males of a butterfly to copulate
  23. Caste differences in the association between dopamine and reproduction in the bumble bee Bombus ignitus
  24. Fighting and Stinging Responses are Affected by a Dopamine Receptor Blocker Flupenthixol in Honey Bee Virgin Queens
  25. Queen contact and among-worker interactions dually suppress worker brain dopamine as a potential regulator of reproduction in an ant
  26. Honeybee males use highly concentrated nectar as fuel for mating flights
  27. Tyraminergic and Octopaminergic Modulation of Defensive Behavior in Termite Soldier
  28. Nutrition and dopamine: An intake of tyrosine in royal jelly can affect the brain levels of dopamine in male honeybees ( Apis mellifera L.)
  29. Dopamine regulates termite soldier differentiation through trophallactic behaviours
  30. Regulation system of brain dopamine for reproduction in social insects
  31. Correlated responses in death-feigning behavior, activity, and brain biogenic amine expression in red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum strains selected for walking distance
  32. Octopamine and cooperation: octopamine regulates the disappearance of cooperative behaviours between genetically unrelated founding queens in the ant
  33. Social dominance and reproductive differentiation mediated by dopaminergic signaling in a queenless ant
  34. Consumption of tyrosine in royal jelly increases brain levels of dopamine and tyramine and promotes transition from normal to reproductive workers in queenless honey bee colonies
  35. Juvenile hormone–dopamine systems for the promotion of flight activity in males of the large carpenter bee Xylocopa appendiculata
  36. Effects of dietary inositol with sucrose stimulation on chewing and swallowing motor patterns in larvae of the silkwormBombyx mori
  37. Neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying regulation of mating flight behaviors in male honey bees (Apis mellifera L.)
  38. Food exchange behavior between multiple founding queens of Polyrhachis moesta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) changes during hibernation
  39. Caste differences in dopamine-related substances and dopamine supply in the brains of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.)
  40. Regulation of the brain dopaminergic system by juvenile hormone in honey bee males (Apis mellifera L.)
  41. Dopaminergic system as the mechanism underlying personality in a beetle
  42. Serotonin-induced mate rejection in the female cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora
  43. Dopamine enhances locomotor activity for mating in male honeybees (Apis mellifera L.)
  44. Biogenic amines, caffeine and tonic immobility in Tribolium castaneum
  45. A homeotic mutation influences the wing vibration patterns during mating in males of the silkworm moth Bombyx mori
  46. Gonadotropic effects of dopamine in isolated workers of the primitively eusocial wasp, Polistes chinensis
  47. Dopamine influences locomotor activity in honeybee queens: implications for a behavioural change after mating
  48. Influence of age and juvenile hormone on brain dopamine level in male honeybee (Apis mellifera): Association with reproductive maturation
  49. Pleiotropic antipredator strategies, fleeing and feigning death, correlated with dopamine levels in Tribolium castaneum
  50. Neuro-endocrine correlates of ovarian development and egg-laying behaviors in the primitively eusocial wasp (Polistes chinensis)
  51. Reorganization of the Central Nervous Systems in Response to Changes in Social Environment Among Insects
  52. Potential effects of tyramine on the transition to reproductive workers in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.)
  53. Swallowing motor pattern triggered and modified by sucrose stimulation in the larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori
  54. Depression of brain dopamine and its metabolite after mating in European honeybee (Apis mellifera) queens
  55. Different physiological properties in a pool of mandibular closer motor neurons in a caterpillar, Bombyx mori
  56. Queen phenotype and behaviour during cooperative colony founding in Polyrhachis moesta
  57. Substantial changes in central nervous system neurotransmitters and neuromodulators accompany phase change in the locust
  58. Discrimination of larval sex and timing of male brood elimination by workers in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.)
  59. Proprioceptors monitoring forces in a locust hind leg during kicking form negative feedback loops with flexor tibiae motor neurons
  60. Brain tyramine and reproductive states of workers in honeybees
  61. Egg activation and timing of sperm acceptance by an egg in honeybees ( Apis mellifera L.)
  62. Nutritional factors affecting the egg sex ratio adjustment by a honeybee queen
  63. Distribution and levels of dopamine and its metabolites in brains of reproductive workers in honeybees
  64. Honeybee Queens Lay Fertilized Eggs When No Comb Cells for Oviposition Are Available
  65. Innervation pattern of a pool of nine excitatory motor neurons in the flexor tibiae muscle of a locust hind leg
  66. Activation in Vitro of Unfertilized Egg Development in Honeybee Queens
  67. Cooperative foundation of colonies by unrelated foundresses in the antPolyrhachis moesta
  68. The Honeybee Queen Has the Potential Ability to Regulate the Primary Sex Ratio
  69. Sperm Utilization by Honey Bee Queens : DNA Fingerprinting Analysis