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  1. Collective action or individual choice: Spontaneity and individuality contribute to decision-making in Drosophila
  2. Sensitivity to expression levels underlies differential dominance of a putative null allele of the Drosophila tßh gene in behavioral phenotypes
  3. Reliable novelty: New should not trump true
  4. How much expertise is it realistic to expect grant reviewers to have?
  5. What is the function of FoxP in operant self-learning?
  6. A value-based behavioural choice underlies phototaxis in Drosophila.
  7. Sub-strains of Drosophila Canton-S differ markedly in their locomotor behavior
  8. Open Science als eine Lösung der Infrastrukturkrise in der Wissenschaft
  9. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Feedback from network states generates variability in a probabilistic olfactory circuit.
  10. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Shared mushroom body circuits underlie visual and olfactory memories in Drosophila.
  11. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Humanized Foxp2 accelerates learning by enhancing transitions from declarative to procedural performance.
  12. How scientific are scientists, really?
  13. Booming university administrations
  14. Libraries are better than corporate publishers because...
  15. The cost of the rejection-resubmission cycle
  16. How Nature Magazine consistently prefers anecdote over data
  17. Dissecting a fly's course control system
  18. Watching a paradigm shift in neuroscience
  19. In which potatoes in France are like high-ranking journals in science
  20. When decade-old functionality would be progress – the desolate state of our scholarly infrastructure
  21. Sub-strains of Drosophila Canton-S differ markedly in their locomotor behavior
  22. Drosophila FoxP Mutants Are Deficient in Operant Self-Learning
  23. Decision-making in invertebrates
  24. Aplysia operant conditioning
  25. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Sensorimotor structure of Drosophila larva phototaxis.
  26. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Object tracking in motion-blind flies.
  27. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience.
  28. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Discriminating external and internal causes for heading changes in freely flying Drosophila.
  29. Invertebrate behavior—actions or responses?
  30. Deep impact: unintended consequences of journal rank
  31. Kin Selection
  32. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Overcoming motor "forgetting" through reinforcement of learned actions.
  33. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Dispensable, redundant, complementary, and cooperative roles of dopamine, octopamine, and serotonin in Drosophila melanogaster.
  34. Faculty Opinions recommendation of A subset of dopamine neurons signals reward for odour memory in Drosophila.
  35. Correction: Open Source Tracking and Analysis of Adult Drosophila Locomotion in Buridan's Paradigm with and without Visual Targets
  36. Open Source Tracking and Analysis of Adult Drosophila Locomotion in Buridan's Paradigm with and without Visual Targets
  37. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Ontogeny of classical and operant learning behaviors in zebrafish.
  38. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Neurosilence: profound suppression of neural activity following intracerebral administration of the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin.
  39. "What Needs to Happen in a Scholarly Publishing Reform?" Björn Brembs (FU Berlin)
  40. Identification of neural circuits required for spontaneous behavioral variability
  41. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Serotonin-mushroom body circuit modulating the formation of anesthesia-resistant memory in Drosophila.
  42. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Relating neuronal to behavioral performance: variability of optomotor responses in the blowfly.
  43. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Cerebellum shapes hippocampal spatial code.
  44. Faculty Opinions recommendation of A selectionist account of de novo action learning.
  45. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Three-dimensional reconstruction of brain-wide wiring networks in Drosophila at single-cell resolution.
  46. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Detection and avoidance of a carnivore odor by prey.
  47. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Heterotypic gap junctions between two neurons in the drosophila brain are critical for memory.
  48. Spontaneous decisions and operant conditioning in fruit flies
  49. IgY Technology: Extraction of Chicken Antibodies from Egg Yolk by Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Precipitation
  50. Faculty Opinions recommendation of What can the spinal cord teach us about learning and memory?
  51. Faculty Opinions recommendation of The reactions to light and to gravity in Drosophila and its mutants.
  52. Faculty Opinions recommendation of A selective role for dopamine in stimulus-reward learning.
  53. Faculty Opinions recommendation of A late-phase, long-term memory trace forms in the γ neurons of Drosophila mushroom bodies after olfactory classical conditioning.
  54. Towards a scientific concept of free will as a biological trait: spontaneous actions and decision-making in invertebrates
  55. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Intrinsic biophysical diversity decorrelates neuronal firing while increasing information content.
  56. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Atypical reflexive gaze patterns on emotional faces in autism spectrum disorders.
  57. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Lobster attack induces sensitization in the sea hare, Aplysia californica.
  58. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Feeding-mediated distention inhibits swimming in the medicinal leech.
  59. Björn Brembs
  60. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Sleep deprivation specifically impairs short-term olfactory memory in Drosophila.
  61. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Identification of a neural circuit that underlies the effects of octopamine on sleep:wake behavior.
  62. Faculty Opinions recommendation of A wasp manipulates neuronal activity in the sub-esophageal ganglion to decrease the drive for walking in its cockroach prey.
  63. The biology of psychology
  64. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Readiness discharge for spontaneous initiation of walking in crayfish.
  65. Attention-Like Deficit and Hyperactivity in a Drosophila Memory Mutant
  66. Faculty Opinions recommendation of More than synaptic plasticity: role of nonsynaptic plasticity in learning and memory.
  67. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Distinct inhibitory neurons exert temporally specific control over activity of a motoneuron receiving concurrent excitation and inhibition.
  68. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Endogenous human brain dynamics recover slowly following cognitive effort.
  69. Mushroom Bodies Regulate Habit Formation in Drosophila
  70. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Cellular and network mechanisms of operant learning-induced compulsive behavior in Aplysia.
  71. The neurobiology of spontaneous actions and operant learning in Drosophila
  72. The neurobiology of spontaneous actions and operant learning in Drosophila
  73. Reputation, authority and incentives. Or: How to get rid of the Impact Factor
  74. Reputation, authority and incentives. Or: How to get rid of the Impact Factor
  75. Operant Conditioning
  76. The Importance of Being Active
  77. The neurobiology of spontaneous actions and operant learning in Drosophila
  78. Mushroom-bodies regulate habit formation in Drosophila
  79. Mushroom-bodies regulate habit formation in Drosophila
  80. Double Dissociation of PKC and AC Manipulations on Operant and Classical Learning in Drosophila
  81. Operant Learning of Drosophila at the Torque Meter
  82. Flight Initiation and Maintenance Deficits in Flies with Genetically Altered Biogenic Amine Levels
  83. Order in Spontaneous Behavior
  84. Order in Spontaneous Behavior
  85. Cognition in Invertebrates
  86. Different parameters support generalization and discrimination learning in Drosophila at the flight simulator
  87. Context and occasion setting in Drosophila visual learning
  88. The Drosophila black enigma: The molecular and behavioural characterization of the black1 mutant allele
  89. Extending In Vitro Conditioning in Aplysia to Analyze Operant and Classical Processes in the Same Preparation
  90. Operant conditioning in invertebrates
  91. Operant Reward Learning in Aplysia
  92. Operant Reward Learning in Aplysia: Neuronal Correlates and Mechanisms
  93. Hamilton's Theory
  94. The Operant and the Classical in Conditioned Orientation of Drosophila melanogaster at the Flight Simulator
  95. Chaos, Cheating and Cooperation: Potential Solutions to the Prisoner's Dilemma
  96. Are more retractions due to more scrutiny?
  97. What goes into making a scientific manuscript public?
  98. What should a modern scientific infrastructure look like?
  99. A study justifying waste of tax-funds?