All Stories

  1. Criminals and Terrorists in Partnership
  2. Editorial
  3. What does the way crime was organised yesterday tell us about the way crime is organised today and will be tomorrow?
  4. Organised crime yesterday, today and tomorrow
  5. Transnational organised crime and terrorism: different peas, same pod?
  6. Organised crime yesterday and tomorrow
  7. Editorial
  8. Terrorist financing 2010
  9. Keeping under the radar: watch out for “Smurfs”
  10. Ten myths about terrorist financing
  11. Listening to Young Adult Offenders: Views on the Effect of a Police-Probation Initiative on Reducing Crime
  12. The Sovereignty of Fraud and the Fraud of Sovereignty: OLAF and the Wise Men
  13. Supranational investigation after Amsterdam, TheCorpus Jurisand agenda 20001
  14. Where Has All the Money Gone? The IRA as a Profit‐making Concern
  15. The Search for Supra‐National Solutions: Investigating Fraud against the European Budget
  16. Cross‐national criminal databases: The ongoing search for safeguards
  17. Comment on Hopkins
  18. You Should Have Read the Small Print: The European Commission's Post‐Maastricht Response to Fraud
  19. Ethics for computer technology and the criminal justice system