All Stories

  1. Guest editorial: Emerging voices in lesson studies
  2. Teachers’ mathematical problem-solving knowledge: In what way is it constructed during teachers’ collaborative work?
  3. Guest editorial: Networking theories for understanding and guiding lesson study
  4. Presenting multiple representations at the chalkboard: bansho analysis of a Japanese mathematics classroom
  5. How do dialogic interactions contribute to the construction of teachers' mathematical problem-solving knowledge? Construction of a conceptual framework
  6. The effects of culture on mathematics lessons: an international comparative study of a collaboratively designed lesson
  7. What Knowledge Do Teachers Use in Lesson Study? A Focus on Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and Levels of Teacher Activity
  8. Lesson study as a fundamental situation for the knowledge of teaching
  9. Mathematics Lesson Study Around the World: Conclusions and Looking Ahead
  10. Mathematics Lesson Study Around the World
  11. Teaching multidigit multiplication: combining multiple frameworks to analyse a class episode
  12. Laboratoire Lausannois Lesson Study: poster about the newborn Lesson Study research center.
  13. French Didactique des Mathématiques and Lesson Study: a profitable dialogue?