All Stories

  1. A Pragmatic Account of the Person Constraint of Private Predicates.
  2. Metalinguistic Disjunctions: Pragmatic Enrichment and Hurford’s Constraint
  3. The Korean Sentence-Final Suffix -ci : An Epistemic Marker vs. a Metarepresentational Marker
  4. On an ERP experimental study of metalinguistic negation: A reply to Lee(2015).
  5. The Meanings of Hedged Utterances: Explicature and Implicature
  6. Processing metalinguistic negation: Evidence from eye-tracking experiments
  7. A Pragmatic Approach to Intervention Effect Sentences in Korean: Focus, Presupposition, and Metarepresentation
  8. Some Observations on the PA/SN Distinction of But
  9. A Study on theMeaning of Korean -marked and 'tul'-marked Nouns
  10. A pragmatic analysis of kesiki in a Korean dialect
  11. Relevance-theoretic accounts of linguistic metarepresentational uses