All Stories

  1. The Web unravels
  2. Overcoming data blindness; or do shrimp chew with their mouths open?
  3. Tie me to the mast: artificial intelligence & reputation risk management
  4. Counting the spoons: what really influences corporate reputation
  5. Chained to a rock
  6. The robot in the window seat
  7. Windmills in cyberspace
  8. The charge of the white brigade
  9. The Caliphate of numbers
  10. Writings on the bathroom wall
  11. Corporate Social Responsibility
  12. The flashing of fireflies
  13. Fit-bitting the dog
  14. Meeting Dr Jonah
  15. Sacred cows and the known unknowns
  16. The plebeians rehearse the uprising
  17. How to pitch an algorithm
  18. The emasculation of frogs
  19. Re-tweeting the Ayatollah
  20. Whither the bully pulpit: leadership communications and corporate transformation
  21. Clicks or commitment: activism in the age of social media
  22. Corporate reputation in the age of data nudity