All Stories

  1. Energy Spectrum of the Strongly Coupled Superconducting Artificial Atoms
  2. Full analysis on coupling strengths between split ring resonators for double negative microwave tight-binding models
  3. Large parametric amplification in kinetic inductance dominant resonators based on 3 nm-thick epitaxial superconductors
  4. Circuit quantum electrodynamics with dressed states of a superconducting artificial atom
  5. First Results from the Taiwan Axion Search Experiment with a Haloscope at 19.6  μ
  6. Taiwan Axion Search Experiment with Haloscope: CD102 analysis details
  7. Taiwan axion search experiment with haloscope: Designs and operations
  8. Optimization of Piezoresistive Strain Sensors Based on Gold Nanoparticle Deposits on PDMS Substrates for Highly Sensitive Human Pulse Sensing
  9. Tripartite entropic uncertainty relation under phase decoherence
  10. Gold Nanoparticle Thin Film-Based Strain Sensors for Monitoring Human Pulse
  11. Inter-qubit interaction mediated by collective modes in a linear array of three-dimensional cavities
  12. Optical amplification assisted by two-photon processes in a 3-level transmon artificial atom
  13. High throughput and label-free particle sensor based on microwave resonators
  14. Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Dressed States of a Superconducting Artificial Atom
  15. Energy conversion from environmental fluctuations to coherent fields by Cooper-pair box quantum meta-materials
  16. Transmission line metamaterials based on strongly coupled split ring/complementary split ring resonators
  17. Anderson Insulators in Self-Assembled Gold Nanoparticles Thin Films: Single Electron Hopping between Charge Puddles Originated from Disorder
  18. Easy method for measurement of environmental impedance and superconducting phase fluctuations in one-dimensional arrays of Josephson junctions
  19. Inherent rhythm of smooth muscle cells in rat mesenteric arterioles: An eigensystem formulation
  20. Nearly isotropic piezoresistive response due to charge detour conduction in nanoparticle thin films
  21. Extracting entangled qubits from Majorana fermions in quantum dot chains through the measurement of parity
  22. Large microwave response of one-dimensional Josephson junction arrays in charge dominant regime
  23. Identification of Mott insulators and Anderson insulators in self-assembled gold nanoparticles thin films
  24. Enhanced phase and charge diffusion due to radio-frequency/microwave excitation in Bloch transistors
  25. Reduction of modal length using Josephson junction array confined cavity
  26. A method for determining the specific capacitance value of mesoscopic Josephson junctions
  27. Overall performance evaluation using an equivalent circuit model for radio-frequency single-electron transistors
  28. Anderson localization in strongly coupled gold-nanoparticle assemblies near the metal–insulator transition
  29. N-Doped Helical Carbon Nanotubes: Single Helix Photoconductivity and Photoluminescence Properties
  30. Formation Mechanism, Patterning, and Physical Properties of Gold-Nanoparticle Films Assembled by an Interaction-Controlled Centrifugal Method
  31. Magnetic Field Enhanced Resonant Tunneling in a Silicon Nanowire Single-Electron-Transistor
  32. Magnetic-field and temperature dependence of the energy gap in InN nanobelt
  33. Effect of the electromagnetic environment on the dynamics of charge and phase particles in one-dimensional arrays of small Josephson junctions
  34. Nonvolatile gating effects on radicals-containing vanadium oxide nanowires by gas molecule absorption and diffusion
  35. Phase Dynamics of Superconducting Junctions Under Microwave Excitation in Phase Diffusive Regime
  36. Coil-in-Coil Carbon Nanocoils: 11 Gram-Scale Synthesis, Single Nanocoil Electrical Properties, and Electrical Contact Improvement
  37. Magnetoresistance fluctuations in a weak disorder indium nitride nanowire
  38. Phase diffusions due to radio-frequency excitations in one-dimensional arrays of superconductor/ insulator/superconductor junctions
  39. One-dimensional arrays of superconducting quantum interference devices as magnetic-field-tuned superconducting detectors
  40. Cyclotron localization in a sub-10-nm silicon quantum dot single electron transistor
  41. Suppression of Cooper-pair tunneling in superconducting charge boxes in tunable electromagnetic environments
  42. Coupled single-electron transistors as a differential voltage amplifier
  43. Parity effect in a superconducting island in a tunable dissipative environment
  44. Controlled placement and electrical contact properties of individual multiwalled carbon nanotubes on patterned silicon chips
  45. Chenet al. Reply:
  48. Scaling Behavior of Superconductor-Insulator Transition in One-Dimensional Arrays of Small Josephson Junctions
  49. Gate-controlled spin polarized current in ferromagnetic single electron transistors
  50. Spin accumulation in ferromagnetic–superconductor–ferromagnetic double-barrier junctions
  51. Evidence for Suppression of Superconductivity by Spin Imbalance in Co-Al-Co Single-Electron Transistors
  52. Scaling Analysis of Magnetic-Field-Tuned Phase Transitions in One-Dimensional Josephson Junction Arrays