All Stories

  1. Clinical analysis and nonsurgical management of 11 dogs with aural cholesteatoma
  2. Complementary effect of oral administration ofLactobacillus paracaseiK71 on canine atopic dermatitis
  3. In Vitro Susceptibility of Malassezia pachydermatis Isolates from Canine Skin with Atopic Dermatitis to Ketoconazole and Itraconazole in East Asia
  4. Mosquito Bite
  5. Transcription profile of chemokine receptors, cytokines and cytotoxic markers in peripheral blood of dogs with epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma
  6. Mastitis caused byMycobacterium kansasiiinfection in a dog
  7. In vitroantiseptic susceptibilities forStaphylococcus pseudintermediusisolated from canine superficial pyoderma in Japan
  8. Genotyping of Malassezia pachydermatis Isolates from Canine Healthy Skin and Lesional Skin of Atopic Dermatitis in Japan, Korea and Taiwan
  9. Malassezia and Its Presumed Association with Skin Diseases in Dogs
  10. Atypical Canine Mammary Adenoma Characterized by Cystic Ducts Comprising a Single Layer of Basaloid Cells with Myoepithelial Differentiation
  11. 脂腺増生による脂漏症を呈したワイヤー・ヘアード・フォックス・テリア
  12. Benign Skin Appendage Tumors in a Beagle
  13. Hyperthyroidism in a Cat with Traumatic Alopecia due to Excessive Grooming
  14. 犬アトピー性皮膚炎におけるLactobacillus paracasei K71の補助的治療効果
  15. 自然軽快したイヌの色素性ウイルス性局面の1例
  16. Gene transcription analysis in lesional skin of canine epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma using quantitative real-time RT-PCR
  17. An azole-resistant isolate of Malassezia pachydermatis
  18. Clinical comparison of human and canine atopic dermatitis using human diagnostic criteria (Japanese Dermatological Association, 2009): Proposal of provisional diagnostic criteria for canine atopic dermatitis
  19. Genotyping of Malassezia pachydermatis isolates from canine healthy skin and atopic dermatitis by internal spacer 1 (IGS1) region analysis
  20. Dose assessment of 2% chlorhexidine acetate for canine superficial pyoderma
  21. Efficacy of a surgical scrub including 2% chlorhexidine acetate for canine superficial pyoderma
  22. Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis refractory to ivermectin treatment in two dogs
  23. Canine Recurrent Flank Alopecia in a Shih Tzu
  24. Canine and Feline Common Skin Diseases Shared with Humans
  25. Juvenile-onset, Severe Peripheral Edema in Miniature Dachshunds
  26. Cultivation and Characterization of Canine Skin-Derived Mast Cells
  27. A Cat Considered as Having Cutaneous Lymphocytosis
  28. A Case of Canine Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis with Cutaneous Lesions
  29. Metatarsal Fistulation in a German Shepherd Dog Successfully Treated with Tocopherol Nicotinate
  30. Clinical Value of Serum Allergen-specific IgE Test Using High Affinity IgE Receptor in Canine Atopic Dermatitis
  31. Efficacy of Malaseb™ Containing 2% Miconazole Nitrate and 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate in Topical Management of Malassezia Dermatitis: A Randomized, Investigator-blinded, Controlled Study
  32. Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Methicillin Resistance in Staphylococcus pseudintermedius and Staphylococcus schleiferi subsp. coagulans Isolated from Dogs with Pyoderma in Japan
  33. Juvenile-Onset, ACTH-Dependent Cushing's Syndrome in a Dog
  34. Acquired Skin Fragility Syndrome with Systemic Amyloidosis in a Cat
  35. Generic Dog Food Dermatosis in a Dog Fed a Pet Shop-made Dry Food
  36. Diagnostic Value for Total T4 Levels in Dogs with Skin Disorders
  37. Auricular Chondritis Associated with Systemic Joint and Cartilage Inflammation in a Cat
  38. Suspected Sterile Pustular Dermatitis in a Bernese Mountain Dog Successfully-treated with Oral Administration of Fosfomycin
  39. Open Study for Dermo-cosmetic Evaluation of a Spot-on Formulation Composed of Essential Oils and Essential Fatty Acids for Dogs and for Cats in Japan
  40. A case of superficial suppurative necrolytic dermatitis of miniature schnauzers with identification of a causative agent using patch testing
  41. A Cat Suspected of Diet-related Lymphocytic Mural Folliculitis
  42. Disseminated Flush after Ovariohysterectomy in a Miniature Dachshund
  43. Validation of a Novel Guideline for Clinical Trial of Antimicrobials in Canine Bacterial Pyoderma
  44. Petal-like Alignment of Skin Lesions at the Border between the Skin and Nasus in a Yorkshire terrier with Sterile Granuloma and Pyogranuloma Syndrome
  45. A Canine Case of Cutaneous Histiocytoma Showing Atypical Plaque-like Eruption
  46. A Canine Case of Mixed Carcinoma of the Sweat Gland in the Footpad
  47. Feline Acquired Skin Fragility with Malnutrition
  48. Cryptococcosis in a Somali Treated with Itraconazole Pulse Therapy
  49. Pigmented Hairs Regrowth in a Light-color-hair-coat Dog with Canine Recurrent Flank Alopecia
  50. Epidermal Cyst in a Maine Coon; the First Case Report in Cats
  51. Ultrastructural Analysis of Melanin Transfer Mechanism in Canine Hair Follicles; Comparison between a Healthy Dog and a Dog with Color Dilution Alopecia
  52. Pathological Changes of the Skin and Liver in Three Cases of Canine Superficial Necrolytic Dermatitis
  53. Juvenile Onset Feline Ceruminous Cystomatosis in a Maine Coon
  54. Multiple Verrucous Lesions on the Ventral Subungual Areas in a Pug
  55. Idiopathic Sterile Granulomatosis at Only Edge of the Eyelids in a Chihuahua
  56. Zinc-responsive Dermatosis in a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  57. Clinicopathologic and Morphologic Analysis of the Adrenal Gland in Pomeranians with Non-Illness Alopecia
  58. Traumatic Alopecia Associated with Excessively Repeated “Sit up” in a Dog
  59. True Dermoid Cyst in a Cat
  60. Disseminated Discoid Lupus Erythematosus in a Dog
  61. Expression of RANTES mRNA in skin lesions of feline eosinophilic plaque
  62. Diagnostic Value of Fluorescence Method on Melanoma in Dogs
  63. Cutaneous Reactivity to Malassezia Pachydermatis in Dogs with Seborrheic Dermatitis
  64. ゴールデンハムスターにみられた好酸球性皮膚炎の2例
  65. Molecular Characteristics of Cutaneous Papillomavirus from the Canine Pigmented Epidermal Nevus.
  66. 犬のアトピー性皮膚炎に関与する抗原
  67. Clinical Survey of Canine Dermatosis in Japan
  68. 犬のアレルギー性皮膚疾患における療法食の効果
  69. Notoedric mange in a cat with restricted acral lesions.
  70. スフィンクスの母娘に生じた色素性じん麻疹
  71. 犬に生じた全身症状を伴う特発性結節性脂肪織炎の1例
  72. 犬のポートワイン母斑の1例
  73. Long-term observation of canine familial dermatomyositis in a collie.
  74. Cutaneous reactivity to mosquito bites and its antigens in cats
  75. Soy Sauce Hypersensitivity in a Dog
  76. キャテリーにおける皮膚糸状菌症の発生
  77. Pigmented Plaques Associated with Papillomavirus Infection in Dogs: Is this Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis?