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  1. Body composition among Sri Lankan infants by 18O dilution method and the validity of anthropometric equations to predict body fat against 18O dilution
  2. The Deuterium Oxide-to-the-Mother Method Documents Adequate Breast-Milk Intake among Sri Lankan Infants1–4
  3. Pattern of clinically recognisable congenital malformations in babies born in a tertiary referral centre in Sri Lanka
  4. Current infant feeding practices and impact on growth in babies during the second half of infancy
  5. Bioactivity of cinnamon with special emphasis on diabetes mellitus: A review
  6. Effects of Gymnema lactiferum leaf on serum glucose and cholesterol levels of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
  7. Effects of Gymnema lactiferum leaves on glycemic and lipidemic status in type 2 diabetes subjects