All Stories

  1. An integrative review: Developing and measuring creativity in nursing
  2. Cross-sectional survey of the disaster preparedness of nurses across the Asia-Pacific region
  3. Strengthening and preparing: Enhancing nursing research for disaster management
  4. Development of key indicators of hospital resilience: a modified Delphi study
  5. Progress and challenges of disaster health management in China: a scoping review
  6. Validation of a Framework for Measuring Hospital Disaster Resilience Using Factor Analysis
  7. Disaster resilience in tertiary hospitals: a cross-sectional survey in Shandong Province, China
  8. Audiovisual Intervention
  9. Development of hospital disaster resilience: conceptual framework and potential measurement
  10. 2010–2011 Queensland floods: Using Haddon's Matrix to define and categorise public safety strategies
  11. The applicability of WHODAS 2.0 in adolescents in China
  12. An interdisciplinary educational trial for adolescent health and development in urbanising China
  13. Female nurses’ sensitivity to male genitalia-related care in mainland China
  14. A randomised trial on pubertal development and health in China
  15. Commentary on Chen WT & Han M (2010) Knowledge, attitudes, perceived vulnerability of Chinese nurses and their preferences for caring for HIV-positive individuals: a cross-sectional survey. Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 3227-3234
  16. Rehabilitation nurses practices in relation to urinary incontinence following stroke: a cross-cultural comparison
  17. Chinese female nurses’ perceptions of male genitalia-related care - Part 1
  18. Chinese female nurses’ perceptions of male genitalia-related care - Part 2
  19. A review of the psychosocial issues for nurses in male genitalia-related care
  20. RETRACTED: Attitudes of midwives towards perinatal bereavement in Hong Kong
  21. Nurses? perceived and actual level of diabetes mellitus knowledge: results of a cluster analysis
  22. Evaluation of an osteoporosis prevention education programme for young adults