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  1. Extreme weather-year sequences have nonadditive effects on environmental nitrogen losses
  2. Understanding the DayCent model: Calibration, sensitivity, and identifiability through inverse modeling
  3. What does it take to detect a change in soil carbon stock? A regional comparison of minimum detectable difference and experiment duration in the north central United States
  4. Changes in soil organic carbon in a clay loam soil following ploughing and reseeding of permanent grassland under temperate moist climatic conditions
  5. Soil surface N balances and soil N content in a clay-loam soil under Irish dairy production systems
  6. Effect of ploughing and reseeding of permanent grassland on soil N, N leaching and nitrous oxide emissions from a clay-loam soil
  7. The effects of treading by dairy cows on soil properties and herbage production for three white clover-based grazing systems on a clay loam soil
  8. N leaching to groundwater from dairy production involving grazing over the winter on a clay-loam soil
  9. Effect of cultivation of clover based grassland on N losses to groundwater on a clay-loam soil
  10. Organic management strategies and its effect on clover-based grassland production