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  1. Hypertension and the cerebral parenchymal microcirculation
  2. ROS and endothelial TRPA1 activation
  3. TRPs in the kidney - location, location, location
  4. TNF-alpha, cerebral vascular dysfunction and ischemic stroke
  5. The Effects of Obesity on the Cerebral Vasculature
  6. Perivascular macrophages and cerebral artery dysfunction
  7. The effects of hypertension on the cerebral circulation
  8. Direct regulation of blood pressure by smooth muscle cell mineralocorticoid receptors
  9. Obesity, aldosterone and hypertension
  10. Matrix metalloproteinases, cerebral vascular remodeling and ischemic stroke
  11. Tempol, a superoxide dismutase mimetic, prevents cerebral vessel remodeling in hypertensive rats
  12. Effects of Gestational and Lactational Fenvalerate Exposure on Immune and Reproductive Systems of Male Rats
  13. Metalloproteinases 2 and -9 activity during promotion and progression stages of rat liver carcinogenesis
  14. Chronic ethanol intake promotes double gluthatione S-transferase/transforming growth factor-α-positive hepatocellular lesions in male Wistar rats
  15. Liver lesions produced by aflatoxins in Rana catesbeiana (bullfrog)