All Stories

  1. Russia’s Current Economic System: From Delusion to Glasnost
  2. Socialist Planning
  3. What Did the Study of Transition Economies Contribute to Mainstream Economics?
  4. Regional Influences on the Formulation and Implementation of NKVD Order 00447
  5. What Did the Study of the Soviet Economy Contribute to Mainstream Economics?
  6. Russia's Oil and Natural Gas
  7. The political economy of Stalinism in the light of the archival revolution
  8. Another Forged ‘Stalin document’
  9. Stalin and the Soviet famine of 1932 – 33 Revisited
  10. Churchill on Stalin: A note
  11. Transition: Intended and Unintended Processes
  12. The Role of Leadership Perceptions and of Intent in the Soviet Famine of 1931 – 1934
  13. Soviet Industrialization: A Remarkable Success?
  14. The Soviet 1937–1938 provincial show trials revisted
  15. Soviet Repression Statistics: Some Comments
  16. Was the Collapse of the USSR Entirely Unforeseen?
  17. The Soviet 1937 Provincial Show Trials: Carnival or Terror?
  18. The Road from Il'ich to Il'ich: The Life and Times of Anastas Ivanovich Mikoian
  19. The Russian Economy under El'tsin
  20. The collapse of the Soviet system and the memoir literature
  21. Transformation as a demographic crisis
  22. Comment on De Jong's ?European capitalism: Between freedom and social justice?
  23. Soviet deaths in the great patriotic war: A note
  24. On sources: A note
  25. A note on the number of 1933 famine victims
  26. The contradictions of perestroika: The case of agriculture
  27. The Polish economic crisis: Pseudo causes and pseudo solutions
  28. A Note on the Distribution of Income in the USSR under Brezhnev
  29. The macro‐economic situation in the USSR‐retrospect and prospect
  30. Albania's Economy Today and Tomorrow
  31. Odnowain statistics
  32. Agricultural productivity under socialism
  33. Economic crisis in the USSR
  34. Recent Population Figures: A Soviet Source
  35. Full employment — lessons from state socialism
  36. On a mis take of Preobrazhensky and Stalin
  37. Seven theses on Kosyginism
  38. Did the Agricultural Surplus Provide the Resources for the Increase in Investment in the USSR During the First Five Year Plan?
  39. Bonus Formulae and Soviet Managerial Performance: A Further Comment
  40. Anti-Equilibrium.
  42. Aggregation as a Cause of Inconsistent Plans
  43. The Use of Input-Output in Regional Economic Planning: The Soviet Experience
  44. Optimal planning
  45. Individual preferences and the market
  46. Fel’dman, Grigorii Alexandrovich (1884–1958)
  47. Preobrazhensky, Evgenii Alexeyevich (1886–1937)
  48. Bergson, Abram (1914–2003)
  49. Stalin, Josif Vissarionovich (original name Djugashvili) (1879–1953)