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  1. Creating Broader Research Impacts through Boundary Organizations
  2. Guess, George M. 2015. Government Budgeting: A Practical Approach. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. 211 pp. $30. ISBN-13: 9781438456683.
  3. Coproduction in the U.S. Department of Defense: Examining How the Evolution of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Expands Non-Traditional Partner Engagement
  4. Multilevel Governance Processes – Citizens & Local Budgeting: Comparing Brazil, China, & The United States
  5. Participatory Budgeting in Midwestern States: Democratic Connection or Citizen Disconnection?
  6. Putting the Brakes on the Rush to Spend Down End-of-Year Balances: Carryover Money in Oklahoma State Agencies
  7. Citizen Participation in Budgeting Theory
  8. Performance Budgeting for State and Local Government
  9. Beyond Ethical Codes: The Management of Integrity in the Netherlands Tax and Customs Administration
  10. The Paradox of Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act: Top-Down Direction for Bottom-Up Implementation
  11. Searching for a Role for Citizens in the Budget Process
  12. An Examination of the Impact of Budget Reform on Arizona and Oklahoma Appropriations
  14. An Examination of Bureaucratic Reactions to Institutional Controls
  15. Managing for Results in Arizona: A Fifth-Year Report Card
  16. Analyzing How Local Governments Establish Service Priorities
  17. Renovations and Innovations in Program Evaluation: The Arizona Experience and Its Potential for More Widespread Applicability
  18. Reevaluating Methods of Establishing Priorities for Governmental Services
  19. Multi-Level Governance Processes - Citizens & Local Budgeting: Comparing Brazil, China, & the United States