All Stories

  1. Quantifying long-term impact of zoo and aquarium visits on biodiversity-related learning outcomes
  2. Impact of a global biodiversity education campaign on zoo and aquarium visitors
  3. Opportunities and costs for preventing vertebrate extinctions
  4. Evaluating the contribution of zoos and aquariums to Aichi Biodiversity Target 1
  5. A horizon scan for species conservation by zoos and aquariums
  6. Zoos have yet to unveil their full conservation potential
  7. Zoo visits boost biodiversity literacy
  8. Space Use as an Indicator of Enclosure Appropriateness in African Wild Dogs (Lycaon pictus)
  9. Using spoor and prey counts to determine temporal and spatial variation in lion (Panthera leo) density
  10. Regional variation in body size of the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
  11. Zoos through the Lens of the IUCN Red List: A Global Metapopulation Approach to Support Conservation Breeding Programs
  12. Genetic sexing of stock-raiding leopards: not only males to blame
  13. A genetically distinct lion (Panthera leo) population from Ethiopia
  14. Establishment probability in newly founded populations
  15. Declining body size in an endangered large mammal
  16. Modelling the Effect of Fences on the Viability of Spatially Structured Populations of African Wild Dogs
  17. Pre-Release Hunting Training and Post-Release Monitoring are Key Components in the Rehabilitation of Orphaned Large Felids
  18. The global reach of zoos and aquariums in visitor numbers and conservation expenditures
  19. Wild dog reintroductions in South Africa: A systematic review and cross-validation of an endangered species recovery programme
  20. Group size effects in cooperatively breeding African wild dogs
  21. Test multipler Hypothesen zum Auftreten von stereotypen Verhaltensweisen bei Großkatzen im Zoo Leipzig
  22. Is translocation of stock-raiding leopards into a protected area with resident conspecifics an effective management tool?
  23. ‘Building a Future for Wildlife’? Evaluating the contribution of the world zoo and aquarium community to in situ conservation
  24. Dogs on the catwalk: Modelling re-introduction and translocation of endangered wild dogs in South Africa
  25. Human–wildlife conflict in northern Botswana: livestock predation by Endangered African wild dog Lycaon pictus and other carnivores
  26. Achilles' Heel of Sociality Revealed by Energetic Poverty Trap in Cursorial Hunters
  27. Adoption as a conservation tool for endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus)
  28. Human–Carnivore Coexistence on Communal Land Bordering the Greater Kruger Area, South Africa
  29. Dynamics of a small re-introduced population of wild dogs over 25 years: Allee effects and the implications of sociality for endangered species’ recovery
  30. Frustrated Appetitive Foraging Behavior, Stereotypic Pacing, and Fecal Glucocorticoid Levels in Snow Leopards (Uncia uncia) in the Zurich Zoo
  31. Conflicting human interests over the re-introduction of endangered wild dogs in South Africa
  32. Efforts going to the dogs? Evaluating attempts to re-introduce endangered wild dogs in South Africa
  33. Banded together: a review of the factors favouring group living in a social carnivore, the banded mongoose Mungos mungo (Carnivora: Herpestidae)
  34. Evolutionary ecology meets wildlife management: artificial group augmentation in the re-introduction of endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus)
  35. Divided we fail: the importance of social integration for the re-introduction of endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus)
  36. Estimating larger carnivore numbers from track counts and measurements
  37. A Framework for Evaluating Reintroduction Success in Carnivores: Lessons from African Wild Dogs
  38. The Role of Social Behaviour in Carnivore Reintroductions