All Stories

  1. Computational Investigation of Selected Spike Protein Mutations in SARS-CoV-2: Delta, Omicron, and Some Circulating Subvariants
  2. Modeling the SARS-CoV-2 receptor ACE2 indicates that protein-bound Zn affects distant protein stability and interactions
  3. Implications of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interactions with Zn-bound form of ACE2: a computational structural study
  4. Modeling Substrate Coordination to Zn-Bound Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2
  5. Comparative structural analyses of selected spike protein-RBD mutations in SARS-CoV-2 lineages
  6. Role of N501Y Mutation in SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Structure
  7. Modeling Substrate Coordination to Zn-Bound Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2
  8. Insight into the structures of Interleukin-18 systems
  9. Structural and molecular analyses of functional epitopes and escape mutants in Japanese encephalitis virus envelope protein domain III
  10. Structure and Function of an Inflammatory Cytokine, Interleukin-2, Analyzed Using the Bioinformatic Approach
  11. 3D Modeling of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor and Tumor Necrosis Factor‐bound Receptor Systems
  12. Mass Spectrometry- and Computational Structural Biology-Based Investigation of Proteins and Peptides
  13. Structural modeling of tumor necrosis factor: A protein of immunological importance
  14. Structural Characterizations of the Fas Receptor and the Fas-Associated Protein with Death Domain Interactions
  15. Structural biology of tumor necrosis factor demonstrated for undergraduates instruction by computer simulation
  16. Structural Investigation of HSP70-HSP90 and HSP90-TDF Interactions
  17. Utility of Computational Structural Biology in Mass Spectrometry
  18. Structural Evaluation and Analyses of Tumor Differentiation Factor
  19. Mass spectrometry investigation of glycosylation on the NXS/T sites in recombinant glycoproteins
  20. Protein–protein interactions: switch from classical methods to proteomics and bioinformatics-based approaches
  21. Investigation of stable and transient protein-protein interactions: Past, present, and future
  22. Tumor Differentiation Factor (TDF) and its Receptor (TDF-R): Is TDF-R an Inducible Complex with Multiple Docking Sites?
  23. Structural investigation of tumor differentiation factor
  24. Characterization of tumor differentiation factor (TDF) and its receptor (TDF-R)
  25. Identification of a potential tumor differentiation factor receptor candidate in prostate cancer cells
  26. Identification of Potential Tumor Differentiation Factor (TDF) Receptor from Steroid-responsive and Steroid-resistant Breast Cancer Cells
  27. Technetium-99m Cysteine; A Novel Radiopharmaceutical for Detection of Experimental Myocardial Infarction in Rats
  28. Molecular modeling of estrogen receptor using molecular operating environment
  29. Role of protecting groups in the preparation of thiolate complexes of technetium-99 m using cysteine as a model