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  1. Strategies to control inbreeding in a pig breeding program: a simulation study
  2. Genetic evaluation models for post-weaning weight gain in a multibreed Angus-Nelore population
  3. Impact of reproductive and productive rates on levels of inbreeding and genetic gain of pigs through data simulation
  4. Stochastic simulation of the economic viability of feedlot finishing steers slaughtered at different weights in southern Brazil
  5. Molecular data as tool to improve pedigree data
  6. Multiple-breed reaction norm animal model accounting for robustness and heteroskedastic in a Nelore–Angus crossed population
  7. Genomic prediction for tick resistance in Braford and Hereford cattle
  8. Genome-wide association study for backfat thickness in Canchim beef cattle using Random Forest approach
  9. Inferência robusta e heterocedástica em componentes de variância, parâmetros e valores genéticos multirraciais
  10. Componentes de variância e parâmetros genéticos em uma população multirracial Nelore-Angus sob enfoque Bayesiano
  11. Influência da castração e da idade de abate sobre as características subjetivas e instrumentais da carne de cordeiros Corriedale