All Stories

  1. Governing Kurdistan: Self-Administration in the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq and the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria
  2. Gender Revolution in Rojava: The Voices beyond Tabloid Geopolitics
  3. Turkey, the Insane and the Melancholy
  4. Rights or ability: Access to plant genetic resources in India
  5. Rural‒Urban Mobilities in Turkey: Socio-spatial Perspectives on Migration and Return Movements
  6. Communal Democracy: The Social Contract and Confederalism in Rojava
  7. Technological Mediation and Power: Postphenomenology, Critical Theory, and Autonomist Marxism
  8. Migration as Movement and Multiplace Life: Some Recent Developments in Rural Living Structures in Turkey
  9. Social Relations in Ottoman Diyarbekir, 1870-1915
  10. Introduction
  11. Elite Encounters of a Violent Kind: Milli İbrahim Paşa, Ziya Gokalp and Political Struggle in Diyarbekir at the Turn of the 20th Century
  12. The spatial (re)production of the Kurdish issue: multiple and contradicting trajectories—introduction
  13. A socio-economic assessment of cowpea diversity on the Ghanaian market: implications for breeding
  14. Globalization vs. localization: global food challenges and local solutions
  15. Martin Soekefeld, Struggling for Recognition: The Alevi Movement in Germany and in Transnational Space
  16. Dams and Politics in Turkey: Utilizing Water, Developing Conflict
  17. Environmental destruction as a counterinsurgency strategy in the Kurdistan region of Turkey
  18. Images of war: using satellite images for human rights monitoring in Turkish Kurdistan1
  19. Reconstructing biotechnologies
  20. The Settlement Issue in Turkey and the Kurds
  21. Villages of No Return
  22. Rural Settlement Policies in Turkey and the Kurdish Areas
  23. Resettlement and Reconstruction of Identity: The Case of the Kurds in Turkey
  24. Chapter 6. Under (Re)Construction: The State, the Production of Identity, and the Countryside in the Kurdistan Region in Turkey