All Stories

  1. The complexity of condensed tannin binding to bovine serum albumin – An isothermal titration calorimetry study
  2. Controlling protein stability: Mechanisms revealed using formulations of arginine, glycine and guanidinium HCl with three globular proteins
  3. Wine Protein Haze: Mechanisms of Formation and Advances in Prevention
  4. A study of the relationship between water and anions of the Hofmeister series using pressure perturbation calorimetry
  5. Three Stages of Lysozyme Thermal Stabilization by High and Medium Charge Density Anions
  6. Biopharmaceutical liquid formulation: a review of the science of protein stability and solubility in aqueous environments
  7. Analysis of the Hydration Water around Bovine Serum Albumin Using Terahertz Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
  8. Thermal stability of lysozyme as a function of ion concentration: A reappraisal of the relationship between the Hofmeister series and protein stability
  9. Cold-Induced Precipitation of a Monoclonal IgM: A Negative Activation Enthalpy Reaction
  10. Dual Effects of Sodium Phytate on the Structural Stability and Solubility of Proteins
  11. Far-infrared spectroscopy analysis of linear and cyclic peptides, and lysozyme
  12. Terahertz Spectroscopic Analysis of Peptides and Proteins
  13. Applications of isothermal titration calorimetry in pure and applied research-survey of the literature from 2010
  14. Characterization of Low-Frequency Modes in Aqueous Peptides Using Far-Infrared Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
  15. Stabilization of a monoclonal antibody during purification and formulation by addition of basic amino acid excipients
  16. Analytical strategies for assessing comparability of biosimilars
  17. Low-Frequency Spectroscopic Analysis of Monomeric and Fibrillar Lysozyme
  18. Roles of Grape Thaumatin-like Protein and Chitinase in White Wine Haze Formation
  19. Terahertz and far infrared Spectroscopy of alanine-rich peptides having variable ellipticity
  20. Survey of the year 2009: applications of isothermal titration calorimetry
  21. Thermodynamics of Grape and Wine Tannin Interaction with Polyproline: Implications for Red Wine Astringency
  22. Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of Protein Higher-Order Structures
  23. Survey of the year 2008: applications of isothermal titration calorimetry
  24. Thermal Stability of Thaumatin-Like Protein, Chitinase, and Invertase Isolated from Sauvignon blanc and Semillon Juice and Their Role in Haze Formation in Wine
  25. The chromatography-free release, isolation and purification of recombinant peptide for fibril self-assembly
  26. Terahertz and conventional analysis of virus-like particle vaccines
  27. Microbial bio-production of a recombinant stimuli-responsive biosurfactant
  28. Intrinsic fluorescence as an analytical probe of virus-like particle assembly and maturation
  29. Functionality of surface active peptides produced in recombinant E. coli
  30. Chromatography-free peptide biomanufacture
  31. Expression and purification of a nanostructure-forming peptide
  32. Polyelectrolyte screening effects on the dissolution of whey protein gels at high pH conditions
  33. Swelling and Dissolution of β-Lactoglobulin Gels in Alkali
  34. Refolding of a membrane protein in a microfluidics reactor
  35. Probing The Mechanisms Limiting Dissolution of Whey Protein Gels During Cleaning
  36. Effect of Gel Structure on the Dissolution of Heat-Induced β-Lactoglobulin Gels in Alkali
  37. Assembly of Human Papillomavirus Type-16 Virus-Like Particles: Multifactorial Study of Assembly and Competing Aggregation
  38. Chemical treatment ofEscherichia coli: 3. Selective extraction of a recombinant protein from cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in intact cells
  39. Chemical treatment ofEscherichia coli. II. Direct extraction of recombinant protein from cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in intact cells
  40. Chemical treatment ofEscherichia coli: 1. Extraction of intracellular protein from uninduced cells