All Stories

  1. Growth dynamics, climate sensitivity and water use efficiency in pure vs. mixed pine and beech stands in Trentino (Italy)
  2. Pinus mugoKrummholz Dynamics During Concomitant Change in Pastoralism and Climate in the Central Apennines
  3. Monitoring intra-annual dynamics of wood formation with microcores and dendrometers in Picea abies at two different altitudes
  4. Environmental-mediated relationships between tree growth of black spruce and abundance of spruce budworm along a latitudinal transect in Quebec, Canada
  5. New paradigms for land use planning in a changing mountain landscape
  6. Climate signals derived from day-to-day analysis: climate sensitivity of Picea abies in Trentino
  7. Dinamiche di vegetazione di pino mugo e faggio nell’ecotono della treeline in risposta ai cambiamenti climatici e di uso del suolo sul massiccio della Majella
  8. Mountain vegetation at risk: Current perspectives and research reeds
  9. Take a tree to the limit: the stress line
  10. Warming-related growth responses at the southern limit distribution of mountain pine (Pinus mugoTurra subsp.mugo)
  11. Is land abandonment affecting forest dynamics at high elevation in Mediterranean mountains more than climate change?
  12. Stima spazialmente definita della produttività potenziale delle risorse agro-forestali per uso energetico: il caso di studio della regione Molise
  13. Structural and dendrochronological characterization of mountain pine persisten woodlands on the Monti del Sole - Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park