All Stories

  1. Land als Ressource, Boden und Landschaft: Materialität, Relationalität und neue Agrarfragen in der Politischen Ökologie
  2. Critical Perspectives on Agrarian Transition
  3. “Ginger is a gamble”: Crop booms, rural uncertainty, and the neoliberalization of agriculture in South India
  4. Farmers’ Suicides as Public Death: Politics, Agency and Statistics in a Suicide-Prone District (South India)
  5. The anthropology of neoliberal India
  6. Farmers’ suicides and the state in India: Conceptual and ethnographic notes from Wayanad, Kerala
  7. Consuming the Forest in an Environment of Crisis: Nature Tourism, Forest Conservation and Neoliberal Agriculture in South India
  8. Postkoloniale Ethnologie. Vom Objekt postkolonialer Kritik zur Ethnografie der neoliberalen Globalisierung
  9. Postkoloniale Traditionen