All Stories

  1. Common health assets protocol: a mixed-methods, realist evaluation and economic appraisal of how community-led organisations (CLOs) impact on the health and well-being of people living in deprived areas
  2. Protocol for estimating the willingness-to-pay-based value for a quality-adjusted life year to aid health technology assessment in India: a cross-sectional study
  3. Public values and plurality in health priority setting: What to do when people disagree and why we should care about reasons as well as choices
  4. Microcredit as a public health initiative? Exploring mechanisms and pathways to health and wellbeing
  5. Walking a Tightrope: Using Financial Diaries to Investigate Day-to-Day Financial Decisions and the Social Safety Net of the Financially Excluded
  6. Exploring the relative value of end of life QALYs: Are the comparators important?
  7. Microcredit for enterprise in the UK as an ‘alternative’ economic space
  8. Who knows best? A Q methodology study to explore perspectives of professional stakeholders and community participants on health in low-income communities
  9. Filling a void? The role of social enterprise in addressing social isolation and loneliness in rural communities
  10. Two false positives do not make a right: Setting the bar of social enterprise research even higher through avoiding the straw man fallacy
  11. Self reliant groups from India to Scotland: lessons from south to north
  12. Are life-extending treatments for terminal illnesses a special case? Exploring choices and societal viewpoints
  13. Is “end of life” a special case? Connecting Q with survey methods to measure societal support for views on the value of life-extending treatments
  14. Universal health coverage, priority setting, and the human right to health
  15. Health and Brexit
  16. ‘Hidden Habitus’: A Qualitative Study of Socio-Ecological Influences on Drinking Practices and Social Identity in Mid-Adolescence
  17. Marketing Authorization Procedures for Advanced Cancer Drugs
  18. Conceptualising the public health role of actors operating outside of formal health systems: The case of social enterprise
  19. Priority to End of Life Treatments? Views of the Public in the Netherlands
  20. From representing views to representativeness of views: Illustrating a new (Q2S) approach in the context of health care priority setting in nine European countries
  21. Extending life for people with a terminal illness: a moral right and an expensive death? Exploring societal perspectives
  22. Public views on principles for health care priority setting: Findings of a European cross-country study using Q methodology
  23. Health Care Priority Setting Q-Sort
  24. The potential of social enterprise to enhance health and well-being: A model and systematic review
  25. Autonomy, special offers and routines: a Q methodological study of industry-driven marketing influences on young people's drinking behaviour
  26. Valuing QALYs at the end of life
  27. Did people “buy” what was “sold”? A qualitative evaluation of a contingent valuation survey information set for gains in life expectancy
  28. Comparing WTP Values of Different Types of QALY Gain Elicited from the General Public
  29. Estimating a WTP-based value of a QALY: The ‘chained’ approach
  30. A Person Trade-Off Study to Estimate Age-Related Weights for Health Gains in Economic Evaluation
  32. Social enterprise: New pathways to health and well-being?
  33. Searchers vs surveyors in estimating the monetary value of a QALY: resolving a nasty dilemma for NICE
  34. Social business, health and well-being
  35. Understanding public preferences for prioritizing health care interventions in England: Does the type of health gain matter?
  36. Deriving distributional weights for QALYs through discrete choice experiments
  37. The social value of a QALY: raising the bar or barring the raise?
  38. Estimating the additional cost of disability: Beyond budget standards
  39. Weighting and valuing quality-adjusted life-years using stated preference methods: preliminary results from the Social Value of a QALY Project
  40. ‘I’ve just taken you to see the man with the CD on his head’: the experience and management of recurrent sore throat in children
  41. What needs to be done in contingent valuation: have Smith and Sach missed the boat?
  42. Valuing lives equally in a benefit-coast analysis of safety projects: A method to reconcile theory and practice
  43. Willingness to pay for a QALY: past, present and future
  44. How do respondents explain WTP responses? A review of the qualitative evidence
  45. Valuing lives equally: Defensible premise or unwarranted compromise?
  46. The New Myth
  47. A Face-Validity Test of Response Strategies to ‘Dread Risks'
  48. Economic rationality and health and lifestyle choices for people with diabetes
  49. Explaining variation in GP referral rates for x-rays for back pain
  50. Q methodology in health economics
  51. Guiding the design and selection of interventions to influence the implementation of evidence-based practice: an experimental simulation of a complex intervention trial
  52. Issues arising from the use of qualitative methods in health economics
  53. Responses to standard gambles: are preferences‘well constructed’?
  54. Effects of Treatment with Formoterol on Bronchoprotection against Methacholine