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  1. Adam Laats. The Other School Reformers: Conservative Activism in American Education. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2015. 313 pp. Cloth $39.95.
  2. Christine Woyshner and Chara Haeussler Bohan, eds. Histories of Social Studies and Race: 1865–2000. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 244 pp. Hardcover $90.00.
  3. “A War of Ideas”: The Rise of Conservative Teachers in Wartime New York City, 1938–1946
  4. Color in the Classroom: How American Schools Taught Race, 1900-1954. By Zoe Burkholder (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. xi plus 252 pp. $34.95)
  5. Na'ilah Suad Nasir, Racialized Identities: Race and Achievement among African American Youth (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2012, $22.95). Pp. 174. isbn0 8047 6019 5.
  6. Zoe Burkholder. Color in the Classroom: How American Schools Taught Race, 1900–1954, New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. 264 pp. Hardback $34.95.
  7. ZOE BURKHOLDER. Color in the Classroom: How American Schools Taught Race, 1900-1954.
  8. From Forced Tolerance to Forced Busing: Wartime Intercultural Education and the Rise of Black Educational Activism in Boston
  9. From “Wops and Dagoes and Hunkies” to “Caucasian”: Changing Racial Discourse in American Classrooms during World War II
  10. Fortresses of democracy: Boasian anthropologists and competing strategies of tolerance education, 1939-1945
  11. Diana Selig. Americans All: The Cultural Gifts Movement. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008. 384 pp. Hardcover $49.50.
  12. Waves of Opposition: Labor and the Struggle for Democratic Radio by Elizabeth Fones-Wolf
  13. Franz Boas and Anti-Racist Education
  14. Charles A. Israel. Before Scopes: Evangelicalism, Education, and Evolution in Tennessee, 1810–1925. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2004. 252 pp. Cloth $49.95, Paper $19.95.
  15. Americanization
  16. Moral Education