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  1. Subspace effective potential theory for configuration interaction
  2. Toward the understanding of the environmental effects on core ionizations
  3. Multireference space without first solving the configuration interaction problem
  4. Effective local potentials for excited states
  5. On finite basis set implementation of the exchange-only optimized effective potential method
  6. Constrained optimized potential method and second-order correlation energy for excited states
  7. Density-functional theory with effective potential expressed as a direct mapping of the external potential: Applications to atomization energies and ionization potentials
  8. Symmetry preserving optimised effective potential theory (application to atoms)
  9. Density-functional theory with effective potential expressed as a mapping of the external potential: Applications to open-shell molecules
  10. DFT with effective potential expressed as a mapping of the external potential: Applications to closed-shell molecules
  11. Alternative Technique for the Constrained Variational Problem Based on an Asymptotic Projection Method: I. Basics
  12. Alternative Technique for the Constrained Variational Problem Based on an Asymptotic Projection Method: II. Applications to Open-Shell Self-Consistent Field Theory