All Stories

  1. The accuracy of different dental impression techniques for implant-supported dental prostheses: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  2. Accuracy of a Digital Impression System Based on Active Triangulation Technology With Blue Light for Implants
  3. Accuracy of a Digital Impression System Based on Parallel Confocal Laser Technology for Implants with Consideration of Operator Experience and Implant Angulation and Depth
  4. Using stereophotogrammetric technology for obtaining intraoral digital impressions of implants
  5. Impression of multiple implants using photogrammetry: Description of technique and case presentation
  6. A Clinical Protocol for Intraoral Digital Impression of Screw-Retained CAD/CAM Framework on Multiple Implants Based on Wavefront Sampling Technology
  7. Accuracy of a Digital Impression System Based on Active Wavefront Sampling Technology for Implants Considering Operator Experience, Implant Angulation, and Depth