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  1. Human neural stem cells dispersed in artificial ECM form cerebral organoids when grafted in vivo
  2. The Transcription Factors COUP-TFI and COUP-TFII have Distinct Roles in Arealisation and GABAergic Interneuron Specification in the Early Human Fetal Telencephalon
  3. Neurexins 1–3 Each Have a Distinct Pattern of Expression in the Early Developing Human Cerebral Cortex
  4. A SLM2 Feedback Pathway Controls Cortical Network Activity and Mouse Behavior
  5. Distinct cortical and sub-cortical neurogenic domains for GABAergic interneuron precursor transcription factors NKX2.1, OLIG2 and COUP-TFII in early fetal human telencephalon
  6. Mechanical Flexibility Reduces the Foreign Body Response to Long-Term Implanted Microelectrodes in Rabbit Cortex
  7. Distinct expression patterns for type II topoisomerases IIA and IIB in the early foetal human telencephalon
  8. Introduction: GABAergic neurotransmission in the human cerebral cortex: same rules apply?
  9. Improving Outcomes in Cerebral Palsy with Early Intervention: New Translational Approaches
  10. What are the Best Animal Models for Testing Early Intervention in Cerebral Palsy?
  11. Seeking clues in brain development to explain the extraordinary evolution of language in humans
  12. An enhanced role and expanded developmental origins for gamma-aminobutyric acidergic interneurons in the human cerebral cortex
  13. The sinusoidal probe: a new approach to improve electrode longevity
  14. Gap junction networks can generate both ripple-like and fast ripple-like oscillations
  15. The Early Fetal Development of Human Neocortical GABAergic Interneurons
  16. The Tissue-Specific RNA Binding Protein T-STAR Controls Regional Splicing Patterns of Neurexin Pre-mRNAs in the Brain
  17. Cerebral cortical development in rodents and primates
  18. In Vitro Modelling of Cortical Neurogenesis by Sequential Induction of Human Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells
  19. Could autologous cord blood stem cell transplantation treat cerebral palsy?
  20. The Corticofugal Neuron-Associated Genes ROBO1, SRGAP1, and CTIP2 Exhibit an Anterior to Posterior Gradient of Expression in Early Fetal Human Neocortex Development
  21. Transplantation of magnetically labeled mesenchymal stem cells in a model of perinatal brain injury
  22. Renewed focus on the developing human neocortex
  23. Investigating gradients of gene expression involved in early human cortical development
  24. Development of the human neocortex
  25. Subplate in the developing cortex of mouse and human
  26. Response to Dr Papathanasiou
  27. Developmental plasticity connects visual cortex to motoneurons after stroke
  28. Plasticity to neonatal sensorimotor cortex injury
  29. Elimination of muscle afferent boutons from the cuneate nucleus of the rat medulla during development
  30. Progressive loss of PAX6, TBR2, NEUROD and TBR1 mRNA gradients correlates with translocation of EMX2 to the cortical plate during human cortical development
  31. A comparison of behavioural and histological outcomes of periventricular injection of ibotenic acid in neonatal rats at postnatal days 5 and 7
  32. A Molecular Neuroanatomical Study of the Developing Human Neocortex from 8 to 17 Postconceptional Weeks Revealing the Early Differentiation of the Subplate and Subventricular Zone
  33. The dependence of spinal cord development on corticospinal input and its significance in understanding and treating spastic cerebral palsy
  34. Is hemiplegic cerebral palsy equivalent to amblyopia of the corticospinal system?
  35. The effects of botulinum neurotoxin A induced muscle paresis during a critical period upon muscle and spinal cord development in the rat
  36. An immunohistochemical study of the development of sensorimotor components of the early fetal human spinal cord
  37. Spinal cord plasticity in response to unilateral inhibition of the rat motor cortex during development: changes to gene expression, muscle afferents and the ipsilateral corticospinal projection
  38. Brainstem motor nuclei respond differentially to degenerative disease in the mutant mouse wobbler
  39. The effect on motor cortical neuronal development of focal lesions to the sub-cortical white matter in the neonatal rat: a model for periventricular leukomalacia
  40. N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptor Blockade during Development Induces Short-Term but Not Long-Term Changes in c-Jun and Parvalbumin Expression in the Rat Cervical Spinal Cord
  41. Reciprocal and Renshaw (recurrent) inhibition are functional in man at birth
  42. Plasticity in the Rat Spinal Cord Seen in Response to Lesions to the Motor Cortex during Development but Not to Lesions in Maturity
  43. Changing pattern of expression of parvalbumin immunoreactivity during human fetal spinal cord development
  44. Transient expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity in the ventral horn of the post-natal rat cervical spinal cord
  45. The Effect of a Peripheral Nerve Lesion on Calbindin D28k Immunoreactivity in the Cervical Ventral Horn of Developing and Adult Rats
  46. Developmental expression of parvalbumin by rat lower cervical spinal cord neurones and the effect of early lesions to the motor cortex
  47. Expression of nitric oxide synthase by motor neurones in the spinal cord of the mutant mouse wobbler
  48. The Effects of an RNA Synthesis Inhibitor on the Survival and Regeneration of Rat Motoneurones Injured at Birth
  49. Observations on the development of transplanted embryonic ventral horn neurones grafted into adult rat spinal cord and connected to skeletal muscle implants via a peripheral nerve
  50. Transplants of embryonic motoneurones to adult spinal cord: survival and innervation abilities
  51. Grafts of embryonic tissue into spinal cord: A possible strategy for treating neuromuscular disorders