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  1. Population structure, aggregation, and dispersal of Euterpe edulis Mart. at two sites of interior atlantic forest
  2. The global loss of floristic uniqueness
  3. Patterns of Plant Diversity and Composition in Wetlands Across a Subtropical Landscape: Comparisons Among Ponds, Streambanks and Riverbanks
  4. The influence of fire and cattle grazing on Araucaria population structure in forest-grasslands mosaics
  5. Identifying gaps in the photographic record of the vascular plant flora of the Americas
  6. Functional and taxonomic alpha and beta diversity responses to burning grasslands in southern Brazil
  7. Alternative data sources can fill the gaps in data-poor fisheries
  8. Weather Variables Affecting the Behaviour of Insect Flower Visitors and Main Pollinators of Erythroxylum myrsinites Martius (Erythroxylaceae)
  9. Extending and repeating assessments is a key tool to reveal barriers to effective management of protected areas
  10. Local species turnover increases regional bird diversity in mangroves
  11. Dung beetles and the conservation of diversity in an agricultural landscape with maize fields and Atlantic Forest remnants
  12. Pre-colonial Amerindian legacies in forest composition of southern Brazil
  13. Tree community patterns along pond-upland topographic gradients, upper Uruguay River basin, southern Brazil
  14. Preventing traditional management can cause grassland loss within 30 years in southern Brazil
  15. Black cats do not communicate visually at night
  16. Low temperature extremes influence both the presence of palms and palm species richness in the Atlantic Forest, Southern Brazil
  17. Interaction of land management and araucaria trees in the maintenance of landscape diversity in the highlands of southern Brazil
  18. Citizen engagement in the management of non-native invasive pines: Does it make a difference?
  19. Simple does not mean poor: grasslands and forests harbor similar ant species richness and distinct composition in highlands of southern Brazil
  20. How effective are protected areas in conserving tree taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in subtropical Brazilian Atlantic Forests?
  21. A little bit everyday: range size determinants in Arachis (Fabaceae), a dispersal-limited group
  22. What would be the diversity patterns of medium- to large-bodied mammals if the fragmented Atlantic Forest was a large metacommunity?
  23. Changes in the realized niche of the invasive succulent CAM plant Furcraea foetida
  24. Scientific Evidence and Potential Barriers in the Management of Brazilian Protected Areas
  25. Abiotic variables affect STX concentration in a meso-oligotrophic subtropical coastal lake dominated by Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Cyanophyceae)
  26. Landscape features lead to shifts in communities of medium- to large-bodied mammals in subtropical Atlantic Forest
  27. Disturbance and stress gradients result in distinct taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity patterns in a subtropical riparian tree community
  28. Estrutura de uma floresta brejosa em substrato turfoso, Sul de Santa Catarina, Brasil
  29. Niche conservatism and the differences in species richness at the transition of tropical and subtropical climates in South America
  30. Gradiente estrutural no componente arbóreo e relação com inundações em uma floresta ribeirinha, rio Uruguai, sul do Brasil
  31. Padrões morfológicos de diásporos de árvores e arvoretas zoocóricas no Parque Estadual de Itapuã, RS, Brasil
  32. Espectro e distribuição vertical das estratégias de dispersão de diásporos do componente arbóreo em uma floresta estacional no sul do Brasil
  33. Florística e fitossociologia do componente arbóreo de uma floresta ribeirinha, arroio Passo das Tropas, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil
  34. Distribuição espacial de Mesadenella cuspidata (Lindl.) Garay (Orchidaceae) em uma floresta ribeirinha em Santa Maria, RS, Brasil