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  1. Gluteus medius coactivation response in field hockey players with and without low back pain
  2. Mechanics of pelvic girdle stability and self-bracing in SIJ-related pelvic girdle pain: a review
  3. Asymmetric pelvic bracing and altered kinematics in patients with posterior pelvic pain who present with postural muscle delay
  4. Criterion-concurrent Validity of Spinal Mobility Tests in Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Systematic Review of the Literature
  5. Can innominate motion be used to identify persons with ankylosing spondylitis? A pilot study
  6. Response to letter to the Editor: “Innominate 3D motion modeling: Biomechanically interesting, but clinically irrelevant”
  7. Inter-tester reliability of non-invasive technique for measurement of innominate motion
  8. Coordination Variability Changes with Fatigue in Sprinters
  9. Does the demand for asymmetric functional lower body postures in lateral sports relate to structural asymmetry of the pelvis?
  10. Sex differences in the pattern of innominate motion during passive hip abduction and external rotation
  11. Effects of fatigue on coordination variability in sprinters
  12. Does the demand for asymmetric functional lower body postures in laterality dominant sports relate to structural asymmetry of the pelvis?
  13. A non-invasive technique for assessing innominate bone motion