All Stories

  1. miRNA meets plasma cells “How tiny RNAs control antibody responses”
  2. miR-148a promotes plasma cell differentiation and targets the germinal center transcription factors Mitf and Bach2
  3. Towards the Generation of B-Cell Receptor Retrogenic Mice
  4. KLF2– A Negative Regulator of Pre-B Cell Clonal Expansion and B Cell Activation
  5. Glucocorticoids inhibit bone formation independent of miRNA regulation
  6. MicroRNAs and Biomarker Discovery
  7. LINE-1 Retroelements Complexed and Inhibited by Activation Induced Cytidine Deaminase
  8. A facile method to increase titers of miRNA-encoding retroviruses by inhibition of the RNaseIII enzyme Drosha
  9. Serum microRNAs as powerful cancer biomarkers
  10. The pre-B cell receptor: turning autoreactivity into self-defense
  11. Two Forms of Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase Differing in Their Ability to Bind Agarose
  12. New Surprises from the Deep — The Family of Small Regulatory RNAs Increases
  13. Transcriptome analysis in primary B lymphoid precursors following induction of the pre-B cell receptor
  14. The pre-B cell receptor and its ligands – it takes two to tango
  15. Human INT6/eIF3e is required for nonsense-mediated mRNA decay
  16. Genomic suppression of murine B29/Ig-β promoter-driven transgenes
  17. Powered by pairing: The surrogate light chain amplifies immunoglobulin heavy chain signaling and pre-selects the antibody repertoire
  18. The origin of signals predicating life and development of B cell precursors: Inside out or outside in?
  19. Evidence of abortive plasma cell differentiation in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells of classical Hodgkin lymphoma
  20. CD44 is dispensable for B lymphopoiesis
  21. Three-dimensional modeling of a pre-B-cell receptor
  22. A colloidal silver staining–destaining method for precise assignment of immunoreactive spots in two-dimensional protein patterns
  23. A B220–, CD19– population of B cells in the peripheral blood of quasimonoclonal mice
  24. Sequence of the rabbit glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase-encoding cDNA
  25. Circular DNA is a product of the immunoglobulin class switch rearrangement
  26. ImmunoglobulinλGene Rearrangement Can PrecedeκGene Rearrangement
  27. Translation affects immunoglobulin mRNA stability
  28. Scope of action of the immunoglobulin mutator system
  29. Measurements of Mutation Rates in B Lymphocytes