All Stories

  1. Strategic distortions in analyst forecasts in the presence of short-term institutional investors
  2. New methods of entrepreneurial firm financing: Fintech, crowdfunding and corporate governance implications
  3. Fintech venture capital
  4. Critical Perspectives on Entrepreneurial Finance
  5. Entrepreneurial Spawning: Experience, Education, and Exit
  6. One-child policy and family firms in China
  7. Firm size and the impact of securities regulation
  8. Signaling in Equity Crowdfunding
  9. Editorial
  10. Corporate Defaults, Workouts, and the Rise of the Distressed Asset Investment Industry
  11. Cross-border LBOs
  12. Venture’s economic impact in Australia
  13. Governmental venture capital for innovative young firms
  14. Public economics gone wild: Lessons from venture capital
  15. Special issue on corporate governance and entrepreneurial finance in China
  16. CEO Accountability for Corporate Fraud: Evidence from the Split Share Structure Reform in China
  17. The fast track IPO – Success factors for taking firms public with SPACs
  18. Governmental and independent venture capital investments in Europe: A firm-level performance analysis
  19. Sustainable and Ethical Entrepreneurship, Corporate Finance and Governance, and Institutional Reform in China
  20. Does the External Monitoring Effect of Financial Analysts Deter Corporate Fraud in China?
  21. Do markets anticipate capital structure decisions? — Feedback effects in equity liquidity
  22. Trade size, high-frequency trading, and colocation around the world
  23. The value of home-country governance for cross-listed stocks
  24. The Economic Impact of Entrepreneurship: Comparing International Datasets
  25. Global Perspectives on Entrepreneurship: Public and Corporate Governance
  26. Fundraising and Regulation
  27. Returns, Valuation, and Disclosure
  28. Summary and Concluding Remarks
  29. Portfolio Size
  30. Fund Size
  31. The Divestment Process
  32. Investment Duration
  33. Contracts and Exits
  34. Local Bias
  35. Security Design
  36. Preplanned Exits and Contract Design
  37. Compensation Contracts
  38. Style Drift
  39. Introduction and Overview
  40. The Investment Process
  41. Limited Partnership Agreements
  42. Investor Value Added
  43. Contracts and Effort
  44. Overview of Institutional Contexts and Empirical Methods
  45. Overview of Agency Theory, Empirical Methods, and Institutional Contexts
  46. Institutional Investment in Listed Private Equity
  47. The Role of Government and Alternative Policy Options
  48. Legal Conditions and Venture Capital Governance
  49. Public policy, entrepreneurship, and venture capital in the United States
  50. Demand-driven securities regulation: evidence from crowdfunding
  51. Technology parks and entrepreneurial outcomes around the world
  52. Private equity benchmarks and portfolio optimization
  53. Listing Standards and Fraud
  54. Debt Investments in Private Firms: Legal Institutions and Investment Performance in 25 Countries
  55. Executive integrity, audit opinion, and fraud in Chinese listed firms
  56. The Role of Agents in Private Entrepreneurial Finance
  57. Private equity performance under extreme regulation
  58. The Role of Alternative Investments in Strategic Asset Allocation
  59. Venture Capital and Corporate Governance
  60. Media coverage and foreign share discount puzzle in China
  61. Hedge Fund Structure, Regulation, and Performance around the World
  62. Conclusion
  63. Introduction to Hedge Funds
  64. Agency Problems in Delegated Portfolio Management
  65. Hedge Fund Forum Shopping
  66. Hedge Fund Capital Raising
  67. Hedge Fund Performance and Compensation
  68. International Differences in Hedge Fund Regulation
  69. Overview of Empirical Finance Methods to Study Hedge Funds
  70. Hedge Fund Regulation and Misreported Returns
  71. Regulatory Induced Performance Persistence
  72. Hedge Fund Liquidation and Hedge Fund Influence on the General Market
  73. Developing China's Capital Market
  74. Entrepreneurship, Finance, Governance and Ethics
  75. Governmental and Independent Venture Capital Investments in Europe: A Firm-Level Performance Analysis
  76. Regulatory induced performance persistence: Evidence from hedge funds
  77. Overview
  78. Law and Corruption in Venture Capital and Private Equity
  79. Harmonized Regulatory Standards, International Distribution of Investment Funds and the Recent Financial Crisis
  80. Disclosure, venture capital and entrepreneurial spawning
  81. Valuation of restricted shares by conflicting shareholders in the Split Share Structure Reform
  82. Why Do Entrepreneurs Switch Lead Venture Capitalists?
  83. Introduction
  84. The Oxford Handbook of Venture Capital
  85. The Role of Geographic Proximity in Venture Capital
  86. The experiences and challenges in the development of the Chinese capital market
  87. Law, ethics and finance: implications for international investment and portfolio management
  88. Harmonized regulatory standards, international distribution of investment funds and the recent financial crisis
  89. Introduction
  90. Introduction
  91. The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurial Finance
  92. The Oxford Handbook of Private Equity
  93. Fund Size, Limited Attention, and Private Equity Valuation
  94. Strategic Asset Allocation and the Role of Alternative Investments
  95. Publicly funded business advisory services and entrepreneurial outcomes
  96. The Value of Capital Market Regulation: IPOs Versus Reverse Mergers
  97. Diversification in the hedge fund industry
  98. Introduction to the Companion to Venture Capital
  99. Journal of Business Ethics
  100. Introduction to Private Equity
  101. The Structure of Venture Capital and Private Equity Fund Portfolios
  102. Venture Capital and Private Equity in Canada: Phasing Out an Inefficient Tax Credit
  103. Valuation and (Financial) Disclosure in the Private Equity Industry: Institutional Set-Up, Incentives, and Empirical Analysis
  104. Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital Markets: Introduction
  105. Institutional Investment in Listed Private Equity
  106. Exchange trading rules and stock market liquidity☆
  107. Run-up of Acquirer's Stock in Public and Private Acquisitions
  108. Entrepreneurship, Governance and Ethics
  109. Legal Protection, Corruption and Private Equity Returns in Asia
  110. Misinforming the public about public policy towards venture capital
  111. Public policy and the creation of active venture capital markets
  112. Fund size, limited attention and valuation of venture capital backed firms
  113. Hedge Fund Regulation and Misreported Returns
  114. A Law and Finance Analysis of Hedge Funds
  115. Entrepreneurship, Governance and Ethics
  116. The Differential Impact of the Internet on Spurring Regional Entrepreneurship
  117. Legal Protection, Corruption and Private Equity Returns in Asia
  118. Phasing Out an Inefficient Venture Capital Tax Credit
  119. Local bias in venture capital investments
  120. Venture Capital
  121. Venture Capital Investment Duration
  122. Illegal buyouts
  123. Private Equity
  124. Legality and venture capital governance around the world
  125. Capital Flows and Hedge Fund Regulation
  126. International entrepreneurship: managerial and policy implications
  127. Private equity returns and disclosure around the world
  128. Corporate Relocation in Venture Capital Finance
  129. Outside Enterpreneurial Capital
  130. Style Drift in Private Equity
  131. Legality and venture capital fund manager compensation
  132. Pre-seed government venture capital funds
  133. Preplanned exit strategies in venture capital
  134. W
  135. V
  136. Information asymmetries, agency costs and venture capital exit outcomes
  137. Financial intermediaries, ownership structure and the provision of venture capital to SMEs: evidence from Japan
  138. Regulatory harmonization and the development of private equity markets
  139. Private equity, leveraged buyouts and governance
  140. The size of venture capital and private equity fund portfolios
  141. Government policy towards entrepreneurial finance: Innovation investment funds
  142. Socially Responsible Institutional Investment in Private Equity
  143. Venture Capital Financial Contracting and the Valuation of High Technology Firms. Edited by JOSEPH A. McCAHERY and LUC RENNEBOOG
  144. Advice and monitoring in venture finance
  145. The profile of venture capital exits in Canada
  146. Provincial preferences in private equity
  147. Crowding out private equity: Canadian evidence
  148. Is it the Law or the Lawyers? Investment Covenants around the World*
  149. The Determinants of Venture Capital Portfolio Size: Empirical Evidence*
  150. Adverse Selection and Capital Structure: Evidence from Venture Capital
  151. Corporate Venture Capital Contracts
  152. Firm, Market and Strategic Factors in Venture Capital Exits
  153. Legality and venture capital exits
  154. Liquidity Risk and Venture Capital Finance
  155. Agency costs, institutions, learning, and taxation in venture capital contracting
  156. Capital structure in venture finance
  157. Review Essay: Global Venture Capital Transactions
  158. Venture capitalist value-added activities, fundraising and drawdowns
  159. A cross-country comparison of full and partial venture capital exits
  160. Venture-Capital Exits in Canada and the United States
  161. The rationales underlying reincorporation and implications for Canadian corporations
  162. Venture capital investment duration in Canada and the United States
  163. The role of interjurisdictional competition in shaping Canadian corporate law
  164. Consumer Controversy and the Funding of Biotechnology Research
  165. Planning English Sentences
  166. Local Bias in Venture Capital Investments
  167. Settlement Disputes: Evidence From a Legal Practice Perspective
  168. United States Venture Capital Contracting: Foreign Securities
  169. Provincial Preferences in Private Equity
  170. Contracts and Exits in Venture Capital Finance
  171. Due Diligence and Investee Performance
  172. Demand Driven Securities Regulation: Evidence from Crowdfunding
  173. Illegal Buyouts
  174. Global Market Surveillance
  175. Capital Flows and Hedge Fund Regulation
  176. Hedge Fund Regulation and Misreported Returns
  177. Why Do Entrepreneurs Switch Venture Capitalists?
  178. Private Equity Performance Under Extreme Regulation
  179. Venture's Economic Impact in Australia
  180. Public Economics Gone Wild: Lessons from Venture Capital
  181. Exchange Surveillance Index
  182. Capital Structure in Venture Finance
  183. Venture Capital Contracts
  184. The Rationales Underlying Reincorporation and Implications for Canadian Corporations
  185. Adverse Selection and Capital Structure: Evidence from Venture Capital
  186. The Determinants of Venture Capital Portfolio Size: Empirical Evidence
  187. Boom, Bust and Litigation in Venture Capital Finance
  188. Advice and Monitoring in Venture Finance
  189. Crowding Out Private Equity: Canadian Evidence
  190. Legality and Venture Capital Exits
  191. Selection Effects, Corporate Law and Firm Value
  192. The Legal Road to Replicating Silicon Valley
  193. Demand Driven Securities Regulation: Evidence from Crowdfunding
  194. Cameras Tracking Shoppers: The Economics of Retail Video Surveillance
  195. Are Hedge Funds Domiciled in Delaware Different?
  196. Equity Crowdfunding
  197. Dodd-Franking the Hedge Funds
  198. Creditor Rights and LBOs
  199. Pre-Seed Government Venture Capital Funds
  200. Law, Investor Protection and LBOs
  201. Exchange Trading Rules
  202. Do Banks or VCs Spur Small Firm Growth?
  203. The Structure of Venture Capital Funds
  204. Diversification in the Hedge Fund Industry
  205. Exchange Trading Rules, Surveillance and Insider Trading
  206. Exchange Trading Rules, Surveillance, and Insider Trading
  207. Legality and the Spread of Voluntary Investor Protection
  208. Entrepreneurial Litigation and Venture Capital Finance
  209. Private Equity Benchmarks and Portfolio Optimization
  210. Tranching in the Syndicated Loan Market
  211. Entrepreneurial Litigation and Venture Capital Finance
  212. Entrepreneurial Litigation and Venture Capital Finance
  213. Entrepreneurial Litigation and Venture Capital Finance
  214. Disclosure, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Spawning
  215. Disclosure, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Spawning
  216. Disclosure, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Spawning
  217. A New Look at Reporting Fraud: By Exchange
  218. A New Look at Reporting Fraud: By Exchange
  219. Private Equity Returns and Disclosure Around the World
  220. Legality and Venture Governance Around the World
  221. Phasing Out an Inefficient Tax Credit
  222. Corporate Relocation in Venture Capital Finance
  223. Style Drift in Private Equity
  224. Public Policy and Business Creation in the United States
  225. Tranching in the Syndicated Loan Market
  226. Institutional Investment in Listed Private Equity
  227. Exchange Trading Rules, Surveillance, and Insider Trading
  228. Corporate Relocation in Venture Finance
  229. Signaling in Equity Crowdfunding
  230. Gender Diversity and Securities Fraud
  231. Exchange Trading Rules, Surveillance and Insider Trading
  232. Legality and the Spread of Voluntary Investor Protection
  233. Venture Capital and Innovation Around the World
  234. 'Cleantech' Venture Capital Around the World
  235. Gender Diversity and Securities Fraud
  236. Governmental Venture Capital for Innovative Young Firms
  237. Do International Investors Enhance Private Firm Value?
  238. Agency Costs, Institutions, Learning and Taxation in Venture Capital Contracting
  239. The Size of Venture Capitalists' Portfolios
  240. Venture Capital Exits in Canada and the United States
  241. The Structure, Governance and Performance of UK Venture Capital Trusts
  242. Venture Capital and Innovation Around the World
  243. The Role of Agents in Private Finance
  244. An Empirical Analysis of Fund Regulation and Scope of Distribution of European Investment Funds
  245. The Role of Interjurisdictional Competition in Shaping Canadian Corporate Law
  246. The Extent of Venture Capital Exits: Evidence from Canada and the United States
  247. Is it the Law or the Lawyers? Investment Fund Covenants Across Countries
  248. Mutual Funds that Invest in Private Equity? An Analysis of Labour Sponsored Investment Funds
  249. A Cross-Country Comparison of Full and Partial Venture Capital Exit Strategies
  250. Do Markets Anticipate Changes in Risk after Major Corporate Events? Evidence from SEOs
  251. The Economic Impact of Entrepreneurship: Comparing International Datasets
  252. Entrepreneurial Spawning: Experience, Education, and the Role of Venture Capital
  253. Firm Size and the Impact of Securities Regulation
  254. Open Business Models and Venture Capital Finance
  255. Strategic Asset Allocation and the Role of Alternative Investments
  256. Fund Size, Limited Attention and Valuation of Venture Capital Backed Firms
  257. Taking China Private: The Carlyle Group, Leveraged Buyouts and Financial Capitalism in Greater China
  258. Do Sell-Side Analysts and Hedge Funds Collude?
  259. The IPO as an exit strategy for venture capitalists: regional lessons from Canada with international comparisons
  260. Venture capital financial contracting: an overview of the international evidence
  261. Barbarians, Demons and Hagetaka: A Financial History of Leveraged Buyouts in Asia 1980-2010
  262. Exchanges and Their Investors: A New Look at Reporting Issues, Fraud, and Other Problems by Exchange
  263. Executive Integrity, Audit Opinion, and Fraud in Chinese Listed Firms
  264. The Role of Financial Analysts in Deterring Corporate Fraud in China
  265. Corporate Fraud, CEO Turnover, and State Ownership in China
  266. Regulatory Induced Performance Persistence: Evidence from Hedge Funds
  267. Media Coverage and Foreign Share Discount Puzzle in China
  268. Home-Country Governance and Cross-Listing in the US
  269. The Role of Agents in Private Finance
  270. Exchange Trading Rules, Governance, and Trading Location of Cross-Listed Stocks
  271. Exchange Trading Rules, Governance, and Trading Location of Cross-Listed Stocks
  272. Impact of Split Share Structure Reform in China on CEO Accountability to Corporate Fraud
  273. Do Voluntary Investor Protection Mechanisms Spread to High or Low Quality Legal Regimes?
  274. Firm Size, Institutional Quality and the Impact of Securities Regulation
  275. Run-Up of Acquirer’s Stock in Public and Private Acquisitions
  276. Commentary: ‘Bankruptcy Laws and Entrepreneur Friendliness’ and ‘How Do Bankruptcy Laws Affect Entrepreneurship Development Around the World?’
  277. Identifying International Start Dates for Algorithmic Trading and High Frequency Trading
  278. Tranching in the Syndicated Loan Market Around the World
  279. Debt Securities in Private Firms: Types, Institutions and Performance in 25 Countries
  280. High Frequency Trading and End-of-Day Manipulation
  281. Valuation of Restricted Shares by Conflicting Shareholders in the Split Share Structure Reform
  282. Financial Intermediaries, Ownership Structure and the Provision of Venture Capital to Smes: Evidence from Japan
  283. An Empirical Analysis of Fund Regulation and Scope of Distribution of European Investment Funds
  284. The Valuation Effect of Listing Standards: An Analysis of Venture Capital-Backed IPOs
  285. Exchange Trading Rules and Stock Market Liquidity
  286. Run-Up of Acquirer's Stock in Public and Private Acquisitions
  287. Assessing the Impact on Entrepreneurial Outcomes of Publicly Funded Business Advisory Services
  288. An Empirical Analysis of Fund Regulation and Scope of Distribution of European Investment Funds
  289. Exchange Trading Rules and Stock Market Liquidity
  290. The Value of Capital Market Regulation: IPOs versus Reverse Mergers
  291. The Differential Impact of the Internet on Spurring Regional Entrepreneurship
  292. High Frequency Trading and End-of-Day Manipulation
  293. Corporate Defaults, Workouts and the Rise of the Distressed Asset Investment Industry
  294. High Frequency Trading and End-of-Day Manipulation
  295. Creditor Conditions and Cross-Border Leveraged Buyouts
  296. Do Stock Exchange Trading Rules Influence the Trading Location of Cross-Listed Stocks?
  297. Same Rules, Different Enforcement: Market Abuse in Europe
  298. Does the Internationalization of Investors Provide Value for Private Firms?
  299. Crowdfunding Models: Keep-it-All vs. All-or-Nothing
  300. The Fast Track IPO – Success Factors for Taking Firms Public with SPACs
  301. Home-Country Governance: The Importance of Both Strong Institutions and Strong Laws
  302. Political Capital, Political Environment and Bank Lending: An Investigation of Chinese Private Entrepreneurial Firms
  303. Introduction to the Experiences and Challenges in the Development of the Chinese Capital Market
  304. The Scope of International Mutual Fund Outsourcing: Fees, Performance and Risks
  305. CEO Accountability for Corporate Fraud: The Role of Controlling Shareholders and Institutional Reform in China
  307. Strategic Distortions in Analyst Target Prices in the Presence of Short-Term Institutional Investors
  308. Review Essay: Public Policy and the Creation of Active Venture Capital Markets and Some Comments on 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Why Public Efforts to Boost Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Have Failed – and What to Do About It,' by Josh Lerner