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  1. Basin-scale predictive models of alluvial architecture: Constraints from the Palaeocene-Eocene, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA
  2. Multi-scale classification of fluvial architecture: An example from the Palaeocene-Eocene Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
  3. Soft-sediment deformation in a pre-vegetation river system: the Neoproterozoic Torridonian of NW Scotland
  4. Distinct styles of fluvial deposition in a Cambrian rift basin
  5. Análise de proveniência dos arenitos conglomeráticos do Grupo Guaritas (RS): implicações para o paleoclima e a paleogeografia da sub-bacia Camaquã Central no Eocambriano
  6. Fácies sedimentares e elementos arquitetônicos das Formações Serra do Apertado e Pedra Pintada na Região das Minas do Camaquã - RS
  7. Seismites as a tool in the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of fluvial deposits: The Cambrian Guarda Velha Formation, southern Brazil
  8. Paleostress Analysis in Brittle Structures of the Camaquã Copper Mines
  9. Recurring extensional and strike-slip tectonics after the Neoproterozoic collisional events in the southern Mantiqueira province
  10. Alluvial-eolian interaction in a Cambrian rift margin: the Pedra das Torrinhas and Pedra Pintada formations (Guaritas Group, RS)