All Stories

  1. Polycystic pancreatic disease associated with pineal cyst in an adolescent: a case report and literature overview
  2. Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 19A meningitis in well‐vaccinated immunocompetent 13‐month‐old child: a case of PCV 13 failure
  3. Atypical manifestation of cat‐scratch disease: isolated epigastric pain in an immunocompetent, 12‐year‐old child
  4. Infantile pyknocytosis, a rare cause of hemolytic anemia in newborns: report of two cases in twin girls and literature overview
  5. P-165 – Scores d'Alvarado modifié et de Samuel: apport au Diagnostic d'Appendicite Aiguë aux Urgences Pédiatriques
  6. Blood Glucose in Multiparous Women Influences Offspring Birth Size but not Size at 2 years of Age
  7. Unilateral pulmonary agenesis: A report of four cases, two diagnosed antenatally and literature review
  8. Invasive pneumococcal infection despite 7-valent conjugated vaccine
  9. Maternal hyperinsulinism and glycaemic status in the first trimester of pregnancy are associated with the development of pregnancy-induced hypertension and gestational diabetes
  10. Does plasma IGF-BP3 measurement contribute to the diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency in children?
  11. Phenotypical, Biological, and Molecular Heterogeneity of 5α-Reductase Deficiency: An Extensive International Experience of 55 Patients
  12. Maternal smoking during pregnancy and fetal growth. Effects in preterm infants of gestational age less than 33 weeks
  13. Hyperphosphatasémie bénigne transitoire de l’enfant : à propos d’une nouvelle observation
  14. P253 - Devenir des enfants porteurs d’agénésie pulmonaire unilatérale de diagnostic anténatal
  15. Very preterm birth: who has access to antenatal corticosteroid therapy?
  16. Leydig Cell Tumour Revealed by Bilateral Gynecomastia in a 15-Year Old Adolescent: A Patient Report
  17. Le risque d’intubation des grands prématurés en salle de naissance est-il lié au type d’anesthésie maternelle ? Expérience des réseaux périnatals Poitou-Charentes et Franche-Comté
  18. Gender, smoking during pregnancy and gestational age influence cord leptin concentrations in newborn infants
  19. Grande prématurité: impact de la mise en place d'un réseau périnatal sur l'activité du centre de néonatalogie de niveau 3 de la région Poitou–Charentes
  20. The Influence of Cigarette Smoking on Antenatal Growth, Birth Size, and the Insulin-Like Growth Factor Axis
  21. Anémie néonatale par incompatibilité rhésus traitée par érythropoïétine
  22. Buprenorphine withdrawal syndrome in newborns: a report of 13 cases
  23. Infection néonatale à Streptococcus pneumoniae
  24. Méningite aiguë à Salmonella typhi chez un nouveau-né de 25 jours compliquée de l'obstruction de l'artère sylvienne
  25. Syndrome de Romano-Ward familial. À propos de deux nouvelles observations
  26. Carbamazépine et vigabatrin chez la femme enceinte épileptique et effets secondaires chez le nouveau-né
  27. Localized thrombotic purpura: A rare complication of chickenpox
  28. Néphrome mésoblastique de diagnostic anténatal
  29. 10-year educational programme aimed at rheumatic fever in two French Caribbean islands