All Stories

  1. A singular linear statistic for a perturbed LUE and the Hankel matrices
  2. Asymptotics for a singularly perturbed GUE, Painlevé III, double-confluent Heun equations, and small eigenvalues
  3. The smallest eigenvalue of large Hankel matrices generated by a singularly perturbed Laguerre weight
  4. Analytical results for the dynamics of parabolic level-crossing model
  5. On semiclassical orthogonal polynomials associated with a Freud‐type weixght
  6. Orthogonal polynomials, asymptotics, and Heun equations
  7. Painlevé V, Painlevé XXXIV and the degenerate Laguerre unitary ensemble
  8. Critical edge behavior in the perturbed Laguerre unitary ensemble and the Painlevé V transcendent
  9. The Riemann–Hilbert analysis to the Pollaczek–Jacobi type orthogonal polynomials
  10. On properties of a deformed Freud weight
  11. The Hankel determinant associated with a singularly perturbed Laguerre unitary ensemble
  12. Painlevé III′ and the Hankel determinant generated by a singularly perturbed Gaussian weight
  13. Painlevé transcendents and the Hankel determinants generated by a discontinuous Gaussian weight
  14. Nonlinear difference equations arising from the generalized Stieltjes-Wigert and q -Laguerre weights
  15. Asymptotic gap probability distributions of the Gaussian unitary ensembles and Jacobi unitary ensembles
  16. Single-user MIMO system, Painlevé transcendents, and double scaling
  17. Gap Probability Distribution of the Jacobi Unitary Ensemble: An Elementary Treatment, from Finite n to Double Scaling
  18. Preface
  19. The recurrence coefficients of a semi-classical Laguerre polynomials and the large n asymptotics of the associated Hankel determinant
  20. Nonlinear difference equations for the generalized little q-Laguerre polynomials
  21. Exceptional solutions to the Painlevé VI equation associated with the generalized Jacobi weight
  22. Large N-limit for random matrices with external source with three distinct eigenvalues
  23. Perturbed Hankel determinant, correlation functions and Painlevé equations
  24. Linear statistics of matrix ensembles in classical background
  25. On the Variance of Linear Statistics of Hermitian Random Matrices
  26. The Hopf–Cole transformation, topological solitons and multiple fusion solutions for the n-dimensional Burgers system
  27. Asymptotics of determinants of Hankel matrices via non-linear difference equations
  28. Analysis and Design of Multiple-Antenna Cognitive Radios With Multiple Primary User Signals
  29. Hypergeometric functions of matrix arguments and linear statistics of multi-spiked Hermitian matrix models
  30. Computing the Smallest Eigenvalue of Large Ill-Conditioned Hankel Matrices
  31. Singular linear statistics of the Laguerre unitary ensemble and Painlevé. III. Double scaling analysis
  32. Asymptotic Linear Spectral Statistics for Spiked Hermitian Random Matrices
  33. Deformed $q^{-1}$-Laguerre Polynomials, Recurrence Coefficients, and Non-linear Difference Equations
  34. Perturbed Laguerre unitary ensembles, Hankel determinants, and information theory
  35. Continuous and Discrete Painlevé Equations Arising from the Gap Probability Distribution of the Finite $$n$$ n Gaussian Unitary Ensembles
  36. On the Distribution of MIMO Mutual Information: An In-Depth Painlevé-Based Characterization
  37. Moduli space of supersymmetric QCD in the Veneziano limit
  38. Random matrix models, double-time Painlevé equations, and wireless relaying
  39. Distributions of Demmel and Related Condition Numbers
  40. The Hilbert series of and SQCD, Painlevé VI and integrable systems
  41. Coulumb Fluid, Painlevé Transcendents, and the Information Theory of MIMO Systems
  43. The Hilbert series of U/SU SQCD and Toeplitz determinants
  44. Painlevé V and a Pollaczek–Jacobi type orthogonal polynomials
  45. Smallest eigenvalue distribution of the fixed-trace Laguerre beta-ensemble
  46. Painlevé VI and the Unitary Jacobi Ensembles
  47. Painlevé III and a singular linear statistics in Hermitian random matrix ensembles, I
  48. Painlevé V and time-dependent Jacobi polynomials
  49. Painlevé V and the distribution function of a discontinuous linear statistic in the Laguerre unitary ensembles
  50. Ladder operators for q-orthogonal polynomials
  51. Toeplitz determinants from compatibility conditions
  52. Generalizations of Chebyshev polynomials and polynomial mappings
  53. A Riemann–Hilbert approach to the Akhiezer polynomials
  54. Painlevé IV and degenerate Gaussian unitary ensembles
  55. Perturbed Hankel determinants
  56. Orthogonal polynomials with discontinuous weights
  57. Smallest eigenvalues of Hankel matrices for exponential weights
  58. The x-ray problem revisited
  59. A Note on Wiener-Hopf Determinants and the Borodin-Okounkov Identity
  60. A generalization of the Chebyshev polynomials
  61. Eigenvalue correlations on hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces
  62. Krall-type polynomials via the Heine formula
  63. Determinants of Hankel Matrices
  64. Small eigenvalues of large Hankel matrices
  65. Statistical properties of a localization-delocalization transition in one dimension
  66. Parametric number variance of disordered systems in the multifractal regime
  67. Asymptotics of the largest zeros of some orthogonal polynomials
  68. Tau-Function Constructions of the Recurrence Coefficients of Orthogonal Polynomials
  69. On the linear statistics of Hermitian random matrices
  70. Hermitean Matrix Ensembles and Orthogonal Polynomials
  71. Ladder operators and differential equations for orthogonal polynomials
  72. Thermodynamic relations of the Hermitian matrix ensembles
  73. Asymptotics of extreme zeros of the Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials
  74. Some Indeterminate Moment Problems and Freud-Like Weights
  75. Some eigenvalue distribution functions of the Laguerre ensemble
  79. Largest eigenvalue distribution in the double scaling limit of matrix models: a Coulomb fluid approach
  80. Universal parametric correlations of eigenvalues of random matrix ensembles
  81. Asymptotics of basic Bessel functions and q-Laguerre polynomials
  82. Transitions in spectral statistics
  83. Vortices on 'rail road tracks': a possible realization of a random matrix ensemble
  84. Asymptotic level spacing of the Laguerre ensemble: a Coulomb fluid approach
  85. A cross-over from Fermi-liquid to non-Fermi-liquid behaviour in a solvable one-dimensional model
  86. Distribution of linear statistics in random matrix models (metallic conductance fluctuations)
  87. Gauge theoretic approach to the electromagnetic response of the high-temperature superconductors
  88. New family of unitary random matrices
  89. The Hall effect in the normal state of the t-J model
  90. Metallic and insulating behaviour in an exactly solvable random matrix model
  91. Electrons in thet-Jmodel as bound states of spinons and holons
  92. Momentum distribution of electrons in the t-J model
  93. X-ray response of the Luttinger model
  94. A solvable random matrix model for disordered conductors
  95. X-ray-photoemission spectra of impure simple metals
  96. t-Jmodel in its normal state
  97. Classical mechanics at T=0: Mobility of negative ions in ^{3}He
  98. Holes in antiferromagnets: Pairing interaction
  99. Holes in Heisenberg antiferromagnets
  100. Degenerate spin-boson system
  101. A polymer in a fractal pore space
  102. Functional bosonisation of the Tomonaga-Luttinger model
  103. Functional-integral approach to an exactly soluble one-dimensional electron-phonon system
  104. The statistics of polymers on rough surfaces
  105. Size of a polyelectrolyte chain in solution containing counterions
  106. Self-Avoiding Walks on a Crumpled Fractal
  107. Free energy of a macromolecule in a confined domain
  108. Charged Spinning Mass field involving special functions.