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  1. Adherence of individuals with shoulder pain to home exercise booklets: barriers, facilitators, and the impact of disability, self-efficacy, and treatment expectations.
  2. ChatGPT simulations to develop communication skills in health education
  3. Risk and protective factors for shoulder complaints in indoor volleyball players: A comprehensive systematic review
  4. Shoulder and scapulothoracic impairments in women with breast cancer-related lymphedema in the upper limb: A cross-sectional study shoulder and breast cancer-related lymphedema
  5. Reliability and Validity of the Avoidance of Daily Activities Photo Scale for Patients with Shoulder Pain (ADAP Shoulder Scale)
  6. Intra- and interrater reliability of belt-stabilized hand-held dynamometer in scapular protraction strength tests in individuals with shoulder pain
  7. Neck Strength Evaluated With Fixed and Portable Dynamometers in Asymptomatic Individuals: Correlation, Concurrent Validity, and Agreement
  9. Correlation between kinesiophobia, muscle strength and neck endurance in patients with migraine
  10. Physical activity restriction in the pandemic is associated with lower pain self-efficacy in the population with musculoskeletal pain: cross-sectional study
  11. Restrição à atividade física na pandemia está associada com menor autoeficácia para dor na população com dor musculoesquelética: um estudo transversal
  12. Laser-Pointer assisted angle reproduction test (LP-ART): reliability, performance, and correlation with shoulder pain and disability in patients with subacromial pain syndrome
  13. Interaction of scapular dyskinesis with hand dominance on three-dimensional scapular kinematics
  14. Reference values, intrarater reliability, and measurement error for the closed kinetic chain upper extremity stability test and upper quarter y balance test in young adults
  15. Development of the Avoidance Daily Activities Photo Scale for Patients with Shoulder Pain (ADAP Shoulder Scale)
  16. Two-point discrimination and judgment of laterality in individuals with chronic unilateral non-traumatic shoulder pain
  17. Reliability and validity of the One Arm Hop Test and Seated Medicine Ball Throw Test in young adults: A cross-sectional study
  18. Neck Active Movements Assessment in Women with Episodic and Chronic Migraine
  19. Arquitetar para ensinar: design instrucional no ensino remoto
  20. O futuro da Educação na Universidade: avanços possíveis e necessários
  21. Comparison of cervical muscle isometric force between migraine subgroups or migraine-associated neck pain: a controlled study
  22. Assessing health empowerment - Brazilian cross-cultural adaptation and validity testing of the health education impact questionnaire (heiQ) among people with chronic low back pain
  23. Is There a Correlation of Cervical Mobility with Clinical Variables and Psychosocial Factors in Women with Migraine?
  24. Effect of conscious abdominal contraction on the activation of periscapular muscles in individuals with subacromial pain syndrome
  25. Clinical evaluation of somatosensory integrity in people with chronic shoulder pain
  26. Inclinometer Reliability for Shoulder Ranges of Motion in Individuals With Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
  27. Periscapular activity in subjects with scapular dyskinesis during push-ups on stable and unstable support surfaces
  28. Muscle endurance and cervical electromyographic activity during submaximal efforts in women with and without migraine
  29. Prevalence of chronic pain in Brazil: systematic review
  30. O escore SPADI, idade, nível de escolaridade e gênero são preditivos de autoeficácia em pacientes com dor no ombro?
  31. Effects of adding scapular stabilization exercises to a periscapular strengthening exercise program in patients with subacromial pain syndrome: A randomized controlled trial
  32. Spanish version of the Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score: Minimal detectable change and responsiveness
  33. Relationship Between Intensity of Neck Pain and Disability and Shoulder Pain and Disability in Individuals With Subacromial Impingement Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Study
  34. Effects on shoulder pain and disability of teaching patients with shoulder pain a home-based exercise program: a randomized controlled trial
  35. The Brazilian Portuguese version of the Exercise Adherence Rating Scale (EARS-Br) showed acceptable reliability, validity and responsiveness in chronic low back pain
  36. Self-efficacy in patients with chronic musculoskeletal conditions discharged from physical therapy service: A cross-sectional study
  37. Altered Scapular Time Series in Individuals With Subacromial Pain Syndrome
  38. Acute effect of flexible bar exercise on scapulothoracic muscles activation, on isometric shoulder abduction force and proprioception of the shoulder of individuals with and without subacromial pain syndrome
  40. Predictors associated with a range of motion of shoulder rotation in competitive high school water polo players: a cross-sectional study
  41. From Paper to Digitalized Body Map: A Reliability Study of the Pain Area
  42. Confiabilidade intra e interexaminador do questionário Perfil do Estilo de Vida Individual (PEVI) em indivíduos com dor musculoesquelética
  43. Queixas musculoesqueléticas no ombro: características dos usuários e dos atendimentos na atenção primária
  44. Perme ICU Mobility Score (Perme Score) and the ICU Mobility Scale (IMS): translation and cultural adaptation for the Spanish language
  45. Scapulothoracic kinematic pattern in the shoulder pain and scapular dyskinesis: A principal component analysis approach
  46. Immediate effect of scapula-focused exercises performed with kinematic biofeedback on scapular kinematics in individuals with subacromial pain syndrome
  47. Cluster subgroups based on overall pressure pain sensitivity and psychosocial factors in chronic musculoskeletal pain: Differences in clinical outcomes
  48. The effects of physical therapy with neuromuscular electrical stimulation in patients with septic shock
  49. Reference values and equations reference of balance for children of 8 to 12 years
  50. Scapular-focused exercise treatment protocol for shoulder impingement symptoms: Three-dimensional scapular kinematics analysis
  51. Intrarater and interrater reliability of three classifications for scapular dyskinesis in athletes
  52. Association Between Severity of Temporomandibular Disorders and the Frequency of Headache Attacks in Women With Migraine: A Cross-Sectional Study
  53. Biomechanical Analysis of the Closed Kinetic Chain Upper-Extremity Stability Test
  54. Patients with chronic, but not episodic, migraine display altered activity of their neck extensor muscles
  55. Instruction and feedback for conscious contraction of the abdominal muscles increases the scapular muscles activation during shoulder exercises
  56. Critical and Theoretical Perspective on Scapular Stabilization: What Does It Really Mean, and Are We on the Right Track?
  57. Health professionals identify components of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in questionnaires for the upper limb
  58. Bilateral Shoulder Dysfunction Related to the Lung Resection Area After Thoracotomy
  59. Cervical Muscle Strength and Muscle Coactivation During Isometric Contractions in Patients With Migraine: A Cross-Sectional Study
  60. Activation time analysis and electromyographic fatigue in patients with temporomandibular disorders during clenching
  61. Electromyography and asymmetry index of masticatory muscles in undergraduate students with temporomandibular disorders
  62. Propriedades clinimétricas da variável eletromiográfica duty factor para desordem temporomandibular
  63. Measurement Properties of the Brazilian Version of the Penn Shoulder Score (PSS-Brazil): Reliability, Validity, and Responsiveness
  64. Confiabilidade da avaliação da orientação e posição de repouso da escápula de indivíduos saudáveis e sedentários com o sistema eletromagnético de aquisição de dados
  65. Can clinical observation differentiate individuals with and without scapular dyskinesis?
  66. Tempo de ativação muscular em portadoras de disfunção temporomandibular durante a mastigação
  67. Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability test (CKCUES test): a reliability study in persons with and without shoulder impingement syndrome
  68. Prevalence of myofascial dysfunction in patients with low back pain
  69. Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy on Biceps Braquialis Muscle Fatigue in Young Women
  70. The Brazilian version of the SRS-22r questionnaire for idiopathic scoliosis
  71. Reproducibility of 6- and 4-category faces pain scale to the assessment of temporomandibular joint pain and muscle in school-age children
  72. Differences in Pain Perception in Children Reporting Joint and Orofacial Muscle Pain
  73. Scoliometer measurements of patients with idiopathic scoliosis
  74. Caracterização da qualidade de vida de adolescentes com escoliose idiopática
  75. Altered affective response to exercise is changed after moderate aerobic exercise training in migraine
  76. Effect of 808 nm low-level laser therapy in exercise-induced skeletal muscle fatigue in elderly women
  77. Analysis of angular reading distortions of photographic images
  78. Biofeedback and the electromyographic activity of pelvic floor muscles in pregnant women
  79. Effects of progressive resistance strength training on knee biomechanics during single leg step-up in persons with mild knee osteoarthritis
  80. Upper extremity joint stresses during walkerassisted ambulation in post-surgical patients
  81. Shoulder Muscular Activity during Isometric Three-Point Kneeling Exercise on Stable and Unstable Surfaces
  82. Muscle Activation of Selected Shoulder Muscles During Unilateral Wall and Bench Press Tasks Under Submaximal Isometric Effort
  83. Ativação muscular estabilizadora da patela e do quadril durante exercícios de agachamento em indivíduos saudáveis
  84. Electromyographic Analysis of Paravertebral Muscles in Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis
  85. Analysis of patellar stabilizers muscles and patellar kinematics in anterior knee pain subjects
  86. Controle postural em pacientes com lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior
  87. Versão Brasileira do Shoulder Pain and Disability Index: tradução, adaptação cultural e confiabilidade
  88. Comparison between the reliability levels of manual palpation and pressure pain threshold in children who reported orofacial pain
  89. Confiabilidade interavaliadores e intra-avaliador do escoliômetro
  90. Craniocervical posture and hyoid bone position in children with mild and moderate asthma and mouth breathing
  91. Reliability assessment of Cobb angle measurements using manual and digital methods
  92. Tradução e adaptação cultural do Penn Shoulder Score para a Língua Portuguesa: PSS-Brasil
  93. Validade concorrente da versão Brasileira do SRS-22r com o Br-SF-36
  94. Validity and reliability of a computer method to estimate vertebral axial rotation from digital radiographs
  95. Intra and inter-examiner reliability of the subacromial impingement index
  96. Reliability of electromyographic amplitude values of the upper limb muscles during closed kinetic chain exercises with stable and unstable surfaces
  97. Análise comparativa entre avaliação postural visual e por fotogrametria computadorizada
  98. Apresentação
  99. Recomendações do enunciado CONSORT para o relato de estudos clínicos controlados e randomizados
  100. Craniocervical posture analysis in patients with temporomandibular disorder
  101. Analysis of body posture in children with mild to moderate asthma
  102. Sinais e sintomas da disfunção temporomandibular nas diferentes regiões brasileiras
  103. Avaliação eletromiográfica de músculos da cintura escapular e braço durante a realização de exercícios com extremidade fixa e carga axial
  104. Influência da posição do braço na relação EMG-força em músculos do braço
  105. Confiabilidade da fleximetria e goniometria na avaliação da amplitude de movimento cervical em crianças
  106. Activation of the shoulder and arm muscles during axial load exercises on a stable base of support and on a medicine ball
  107. Evaluation of mandibular range of motion in Brazilian children and its correlation to age, height, weight, and gender
  108. Electromyographic Amplitude Ratio of Serratus Anterior and Upper Trapezius Muscles During Modified Push-Ups and Bench Press Exercises
  109. Assessment of Head Tilt in Young Children with Unilateral Posterior Crossbite by Video Recording
  110. Cervical spine signs and symptoms: perpetuating rather than predisposing factors for temporomandibular disorders in women
  111. Análise da freqüência mediana do sinal eletromiográfico de indivíduos com lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior em exercícios isométricos de cadeia cinética aberta e fechada
  112. Relação eletromiográfica integrada dos músculos vasto medial oblíquo e vasto lateral longo na marcha em sujeitos com e sem síndrome de dor femoropatelar
  113. Análise da translação anterior da tíbia, pico de torque e atividade eletromiográfica do quadríceps e isquiotibiais em indivíduos com lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior em cadeia cinética aberta
  114. Use of the Fonseca's questionnaire to assess the prevalence and severity of temporomandibular disorders in brazilian dental undergraduates
  115. Pain characteristics of temporomandibular disorder: a pilot study in patients with cervical spine dysfunction
  116. Anamnestic Index Severity and Signs and Symptoms of TMD
  117. Prevalence study of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder in Brazilian college students
  118. Avaliação eletromiográfica de músculos da cintura escapular e braço durante exercícios com carga axial e rotacional
  119. Efeito da rotação do quadril na síndrome da dor femoropatelar
  120. Electromyographic activity of perioral muscle in breastfed and non-breastfed children
  121. Correlation between signs of temporomandibular (TMD) and cervical spine (CSD) disorders in asthmatic children
  122. A influência da altura do step no exercício de subida posterior: estudo eletromiográfico em indivíduos sadios e portadores da síndrome da dor femoropatelar
  123. Effect of conventional TENS on pain and electromyographic activity of masticatory muscles in TMD patients
  124. Impacto da dor na vida de portadores de disfunção temporomandibular
  125. Prevalence study of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in university students