All Stories

  1. Delayed Onset Type I Allergic Reaction Following Black Tattoo Removal Using Picosecond Laser
  2. Global Guidelines in Dermatology Mapping Project (GUIDEMAP)—A systematic review of the methodological quality of contact dermatitis clinical practice guidelines
  3. Rosacea
  4. ACCORD (ACcurate COnsensus Reporting Document): A reporting guideline for consensus methods in biomedicine developed via a modified Delphi
  5. Frequency and clinical relevance of contact allergy in dental patients
  6. The future is now: the Global Atopic Dermatitis Atlas (GADA)
  7. Guideline-based intervention improves the quality of antibiotic allergy registration in a hospital setting
  8. Existing guidance on reporting of consensus methodology: a systematic review to inform ACCORD guideline development
  9. ACCORD guideline for reporting consensus-based methods in biomedical research and clinical practice: a study protocol
  10. Network meta‐analysis: methodological points for readers, authors and reviewers
  11. Global Guidelines in Dermatology Mapping Project ( GUIDEMAP ), a systematic review of atopic dermatitis clinical practice guidelines: are they clear, unbiased, trustworthy and evidence based ( CUTE
  12. Contact allergy to a shellac‐containing mouthguard
  13. Gustatory Hyperhidrosis
  14. Rosacea treatments: Current standards and additional options
  15. Harmonizing Measurement of Satisfaction With Acne Scar Treatments: Can We All Sing the Same Tune?
  16. Rosacea: New Concepts in Classification and Treatment
  17. Identifying and appraising patient‐reported outcome measures on treatment satisfaction in acne: a systematic review*
  18. Publication of national dermatology guidelines as a Research Letter in the BJD : can less ever be enough?
  19. Rosacea treatment guideline for the Netherlands
  20. Consistency of Recommendations for Evaluation and Management of Hypertension
  21. Recommendations for rosacea diagnosis, classification and management: update from the global ROS acea CO nsensus 2019 panel
  22. Common methodological pitfalls and new developments in systematic review meta‐analyses
  23. Antibiotic use for irreversible pulpitis
  24. Interventions for rosacea based on the phenotype approach: an updated systematic review including GRADE assessments
  25. Why does the BJD require registration of systematic reviews and meta-analyses?
  26. Effects of low-carbohydrate- compared with low-fat-diet interventions on metabolic control in people with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review including GRADE assessments
  27. Is there randomized controlled trial evidence to support the use of interventions for preventing occupational irritant hand dermatitis (OIHD)?
  28. A breathtaking DRESS due to amoxicillin-clavulanate presenting as polymorphic eruption of the pregnancy
  29. Light on fumaric acid esters therapy for psoriasis
  30. Palladium-induced granulomas analysed with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
  31. AGREE II assessments of recent acne treatment guidelines: how well do they reveal trustworthiness as defined by the U.S. Institute of Medicine criteria?
  32. Rosacea
  33. Laser treatment of congenital melanocytic nevi: a systematic review
  34. Emollients and moisturizers for eczema: abridged Cochrane systematic review including GRADE assessments
  35. Introducing the new Evidence-Based Dermatology section
  36. Systematic reviews: let's keep them trustworthy
  37. News and Notices
  38. Performance and Tolerability of the Moisturizers Cetaphil® and Excipial® in Atopic Dermatitis: What is the Evidence Based on Randomized Trials?
  39. Interventions for Female Pattern Hair Loss
  40. Emollients and moisturisers for eczema
  41. Oral Spironolactone for Acne Vulgaris in Adult Females: A Hybrid Systematic Review
  42. Rosacea treatment update: recommendations from the global ROS acea CO nsensus ( ROSCO ) panel
  43. Updating the diagnosis, classification and assessment of rosacea: recommendations from the global ROS acea CO nsensus ( ROSCO ) panel
  44. Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor-associated rash prevented by oral tetracyclines
  45. Shared decision making and patient decision aids in dermatology
  46. Moose on the loose: checklist for meta-analyses of observational studies
  47. Moose on the loose
  48. Which antibiotic is the most effective  in people with cellulitis and erysipelas?
  49. Prevalence and odds of Staphylococcus aureuscarriage in atopic dermatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  50. Interventions for hirsutism excluding laser and photoepilation therapy alone: abridged Cochrane systematic review includingGRADEassessments
  51. 10.1007/s10096-016-2647-3
  52. 10.1016/j.jid.2016.03.003
  53. A systematic review and meta-analysis on Staphylococcus aureus carriage in psoriasis, acne and rosacea
  54. RAPADAPTE for rapid guideline development: high-quality clinical guidelines can be rapidly developed with limited resources
  55. Emollients and moisturisers for eczema
  56. Antibiotic use for irreversible pulpitis
  57. Low-molecular-weight heparins for managing vaso-occlusive crises in people with sickle cell disease
  58. Interventions for Rosacea
  59. Interventions for Hirsutism
  60. Day care versus in-patient surgery for age-related cataract
  61. Diphencyprone treatment in patients with alopecia areata
  62. Interventions for rosacea: abridged updated Cochrane systematic review including GRADE assessments
  63. Paleo systematic review
  64. Limitations in conduct and reporting of cochrane reviews rarely inhibit the determination of the validity of evidence for clinical decision-making
  65. Omalizumab in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria: a systematic review and GRADE assessment
  66. Interventions for rosacea
  67. Interventions for hirsutism (excluding laser and photoepilation therapy alone)
  68. Interventions for skin reactions associated with targeted anticancer treatments
  69. Evidence-based topical treatments for tinea cruris and tinea corporis: a summary of a Cochrane systematic review
  70. Penicillin to prevent recurrent leg cellulitis: a critical appraisal
  71. Alpine climate treatment of atopic dermatitis: a systematic review
  72. Topical antifungal treatments for tinea cruris and tinea corporis
  73. Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins for Managing Vasoocclusive Crises in People With Sickle Cell Disease: A Summary of a Cochrane Systematic Review
  74. Selenium supplementation for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  75. Contact urticaria from beer
  76. Contact allergy to Tinosorb® M: recommendations for diagnostic improvement
  77. No high level evidence to support the use of oral H1 antihistamines as monotherapy for eczema: a summary of a Cochrane systematic review
  78. Antibiotic use for irreversible pulpitis
  79. Selenium Supplementation for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: Summary of a Cochrane Systematic Review
  80. Efficacy of Topical Antifungal Agents in the Treatment of Dermatophytosis: An Incomplete Meta-Analysis
  81. Oral rinses, mouthwashes and sprays for improving recovery following tonsillectomy
  82. Botulinum toxin for masseter hypertrophy
  83. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for treatment of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in people with multiple sclerosis: a summary of a Cochrane systematic review
  84. Low-molecular-weight heparins for managing vaso-occlusive crises in people with sickle cell disease
  85. Selenium supplementation for Hashimoto's thyroiditis
  86. Oral H1 antihistamines as monotherapy for eczema
  87. Interventions for hirsutism excluding laser and photoepilation therapy
  88. 'Liberation procedure' for treatment of venous stenoses (CCSVI) in the brain of MS sufferers
  89. Selenium supplementation for Hashimoto's thyroiditis
  90. Low-molecular-weight heparins for managing vaso-occlusive crises in people with sickle cell disease
  91. Evidence-based treatments for female pattern hair loss: a summary of a Cochrane systematic review
  92. Lack of ‘appropriately assessed’ patient-reported outcomes in randomized controlled trials assessing the effectiveness of interventions for rosacea
  93. Interventions for female pattern hair loss
  94. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for treatment of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) in multiple sclerosis patients
  95. Interventions for female pattern hair loss
  96. Beta2-adrenoceptor agonists for dysmenorrhoea
  97. Histamine H2-receptor antagonists for urticaria
  98. Effective and evidence‐based management strategies for rosacea: summary of a Cochrane systematic review
  99. Day care versus in-patient surgery for age-related cataract
  100. Interventions for skin reactions associated with targeted anticancer treatments
  101. Interventions for rosacea
  102. Anaphylaxis after consuming soy products in patients with birch pollinosis
  103. An unusual case of contact dermatitis to procaine
  104. Cutaneous Allergy Testing in Patients Suspected of an Allergic Reaction to Eye Medication
  105. Moet een recidiverende furunkel op de neus direct met antibiotica worden behandeld?
  106. Relevance of Positive Patch-Test Reactions to Fragrance Mix
  107. Systematic review of rosacea treatments
  108. Heeft de Diane-pil een gunstige invloed op rosacea?
  109. Kan ‘chirurgisch staal’ ook een allergie verooorzaken?
  110. Is het zinvol om bij toepassing van dermatologica bij eczeem te kiezen voor een wolvet-vrij vehiculum?
  111. Betekent een allergie voor acetylsalicylzuur ook een allergie voor andere NSAID’s?
  112. Anaphylaxis to patent blue during sentinel lymph node identification
  113. Interventions for rosacea
  114. Nieuwe topicale immunomodulatoren voor de behandeling van atopisch eczeem
  115. Immediate type hypersensitivity after injection of nadroparin (Fraxiparin)
  116. Evidence-Based Dermatology
  117. Interventions for rosacea
  118. Diffuse neurofibroma on the lower back
  119. Computer-related skin diseases
  120. Aleukaemic leukaemia cutis in a patient with acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukaemia
  121. Recalcitrant atopic dermatitis due to allergy to Compositae
  122. Psychosocial Impact of Acne vulgaris
  123. Interventions for acne rosacea
  124. Basal cell carcinoma on the dorsum of the hand: report of 11 cases
  125. Carcinoma of the lip in kidney transplant recipients
  126. Treatment of recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the hand in immunonosuppressed patients
  127. Resurfacing the back of the hand as treatment and prevention of multiple skin cancers in kidney transplant recipients
  128. A randomized clinical trial to compare two different approaches in women with chronic pelvic pain