All Stories

  1. Lyapunov stability and performance of user-assisted Video-on-Demand services
  2. Let's go to the cinema! A movie recommender system for ephemeral groups of users
  3. Analysis and design of peer-assisted video-on-demand services
  4. Mathematical Analysis of caching policies and cooperation in YouTube-like services
  5. Optimum piece selection strategies for a peer-to-peer video streaming platform
  6. An ant-colony approach for the design of optimal chunk scheduling policies in live peer-to-peer networks
  7. Stability and capacity of peer-to-peer assisted video-on-demand applications
  8. A new caching policy for cloud assisted Peer-to-Peer video-on-demand services
  9. Optimal Bandwidth Allocation in Mesh-Based Peer-to-Peer Streaming Networks
  10. Optimal Download Time in a Cloud-Assisted Peer-to-Peer Video on Demand Service
  11. A Simple Proactive Provider Participation Technique in a Mesh-Based Peer-to-Peer Streaming Service
  12. GoalBit
  13. A Cooperative Network Game Efficiently Solved via an Ant Colony Optimization Approach
  14. A COP for cooperation in a P2P streaming protocol
  15. Systematic procedure for improving continuity and latency on a P2P streaming protocol
  16. GoalBit
  17. A GRASP Algorithm Using RNN for Solving Dynamics in a P2P Live Video Streaming Network
  18. Automatic quality of experience measuring on video delivering networks
  19. A robust P2P streaming architecture and its application to a high quality live-video service
  20. Optimal Quality-of-Experience Design for a P2P Multi-Source Video Streaming
  21. Perceptual Quality in P2P Multi-Source Video Streaming Policies
  22. End-to-end availability-dependent pricing of network services
  23. QoE Monitoring Platform for Video Delivery Networks
  24. Video quality assurance in multi-source streaming techniques
  25. IPoIM: Internet Protocol over Instant Messaging
  26. A mathematical programming formulation of optimal cache expiration dates in content networks
  27. Multi-source Video Streaming Suite