All Stories

  1. Developmental Trends in Children's Internal Body Knowledge
  2. What Do We Know About the Correlates and Underlying Causes of Auditory Hallucinations in Nonpsychotic Children and Adolescents, and What Are the Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment?
  3. Intimate partner violence and women's presentations in general practice settings: Barriers to disclosure and implications for therapeutic interventions
  4. High emotional arousal and failures in reality monitoring: Pathways to auditory hallucinations in non-psychotic children?
  5. The effects of a ‘pets as therapy’ dog on persons with dementia in a psychiatric ward
  6. Domestic Violence and Maternal Reports of Young Children’s Functioning
  7. Correlates of Auditory Hallucinations in Nonpsychotic Children
  8. Auditory Hallucinations in Nonpsychotic Children: Diagnostic Considerations
  9. Incidence and Correlates of Posttrauma Symptoms in Children From Backgrounds of Domestic Violence
  10. Using North American Instruments with British Samples: Norms for the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale in the UK
  11. Using North American Instruments with British Samples: Norms for the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale in the UK
  12. Influence of negative childhood experiences on psychological functioning, social support, and parenting for mothers recovering from addiction
  13. The Psychological Functioning of Children from Backgrounds of Domestic Violence
  14. Supplementary (abuse) cards for the family relations test
  15. The Training of Pets as Therapy Dogs in a Women's Prison: A Pilot Study
  16. Maternal-Infant Attachment: a Developmental Perspective